Question: What does Shep Smith do for Fox News?

You could try reading more carefully what I said. Sure I know. I said I don’t watch him “anymore.” That means I “did” watch him before. duh

I thought you would take Sean’s word before mine. I’m sure you can find Sean saying that on his radio show. Try google.

I don’t do your research. :roll_eyes:

And I don’t trust your ‘‘interpretation’’ of what Sean said.

It’s up to put-up or be assumed the fool.

What’s not to trust about my interpretation when Sean says Shep is “anti-Trump?”

That’s all it takes? A media talking head has an opinion and you make decisions based on that? Oh.

Well, you see, there’s this thing call ‘cooontext’’, which, judging from this exchange I don’t believe you have a significant grasp of. So…put-up, or be assumed the fool.

The greatest risk to his Foxnews career is that he occasionally commits an accidental act of journalism.


Go fly a kite. :smile:

You’re being to nice. :wink:

Or, Sean Hannity could be a colleague of Shep Smith and they could actually be friends…friends who sometimes disagree.

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You shouldn’t be. FNC doesn’t roll that way. They never have.

I hate to kick a puppy. :wink:

Never suggested anything of the sort.

What does Shep Smith do for Fox News?

I think he gives make up lessons to the female staff.

Why do you believe that? :confused:

Because he wears more make up than them.

Because he is on television? I’m not following?

The fool it is then.

And she has and accomplice. :wink:

Having trouble with your kite string?

Oh that coverage was my favorite, Shep standing next to his helicopter across from the superdome bawling his eyes out and asking why the government wasn’t bringing them water. Good stuff, I wonder if I was the only one who was thinking, you know Shep, you could fly off to walmart and bring back quite a bit of water in your helicopter.