Qanon, terrorists; will conservatives continue to amplify?

It doesn’t.

Hey, How is Dynalogy doing?

What? are you speaking in code.

Those Q fans talking in stream above, sure are scary.

Your yet to tell me the real reason Bill Morneau quit.

It’s what he’s being accused of.

What he being accused of?

seem like he wanted to stop being the punching bag for We Charity Scandal his boss got him into.

Imagine a live stream of Antifa/BLM

like the American Patriot one above,

How would that contrast? Write a paper on it.

There are tons of BLM live streams.

I’ll bet. Real positive terrorists who grimace.


everyone who you don’t like is a terrorist?
this isn’t Eastern Europe can’t do that.

I don’t have problems with most people, but Terrorists, criminals, corrupt politicians globalist, corporate greedy, haters of America, along with paid online trolls all bug me.

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This is an article with video about a democrat candidate for the Minnesota House. He is supported by the democrat pols.

It is at the protest at the home of the Minneapolis Police Federation president. The home.

There are teenage girls there.


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If I had a threatening crowd like that in front of my house, I would take legal action against the leaders of that group.

And who are they struggling against now/?


The Ronald McDonald House?

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Erimar? Hunh?

Did you realize the “Tea Party” dates from 1773 and fights against colonialism?

Here is a justice department page referring to conspiracies’ to defraud the Federal Government mentioned by Q today, referring to recent guilty plea and future events.

A very good documentary that describes the history and propaganda by Agenda 21xx. The whys and wherefores of how lunatics want to abolish private property, total social management and control. Rezoning of America moving human being in America, out of rural areas and put them in high rise hell holes.

Nice Photoshop.