Qanon, terrorists; will conservatives continue to amplify?

how so they are out fighting fascist or who they think are fascists.
I think those German communists would be proud.

Yeah a-huh. No, that would be the leftist minions salivating for totalitarianism.

Everyone loves totalitarianism if they are the ones with the fancy hat.

They managed to trick a guy into attacking a generator room.

How dumb can they be?


Also American wouldn’t know totalitarianism if they saw it.

Had to free those kids from the hidden basement that didn’t exist.

America think wearing a mask is Authoritarianism.
its laughable.


American think wearing a mask is fascism.

Oh look, you answered your own question! Good for you.

They get a pumpkin sticker for trying.
but most American are dumber then a rock.

What a snapshot of real totalitarianism and uprising look at Belarus

See, when you say things like this, it brings out the mod in me. And here I am trying to enjoy a quiet night on the board.

How’s that minister of finance doing? I heard there was a bu-bu.

He got tried of being the go to punching bag and quit.
but I’m sure Q think something else please tell us.

Finance Minster isn’t the most fun job mostly because you get yelled at by the House everyday in place of the Prime Minister who is off doing something important like learning to tie his shoes.

we got lots of dumb people in Canada too.

All of them?

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They were talking about it a few minutes ago.

Why don’t you join them and see what they are saying.

Right here. Big scary Q fans

Why don’t you tell us the real reason he quit.
Q is scary like a two year old running around with a sharp object.

Why would it bring out the mod in you?

Why does it concern you?
