Qanon, terrorists; will conservatives continue to amplify?

Sorry I don’t really take advice on what is conservative and what is not conservative from a leftist with an agenda.

I see I person in each picture. I guess by your rule every leftist is a member of antifa and has been out looting, rioting and burning.

But I have not seen one conservative on here defending qanon.
Unlike the leftist who run to defend the terrorist group antifa.

At first I thought they were gullible people being tricked by trolls on 8chan.

I argued privately with them, but saw that they were just regular Trump supporters and patriots. I was even banned from a reddit site for sounding negative about Q, etc.

I watched them a couple years and although there are a few people that might be a bit odd, like in any population, 98% of the Q fans are straight arrow American patriots and are based in faith.

Eventually I discovered that “Q” most definitely IS, a group of regular patriots within military intelligence.

They do not advocate violence. They would support self defense of the USA, like any patriot would. They are against the trafficking and criminals running amok, in government or society at large.

They also have ALL the data. They are the good guys.


See another person who can point fingers.
But can’t admit that antifa is a terrorist group.

Antifa just means anti-fascists and it literally dates to struggling against fascists during the fall of Erimar.

All data?

Yes. all of it.

You don’t find that improbable and maybe a little bit too convenient?

No. Not this bunch.

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Blacks victimizing blacks has never been a concern to anyone but Republicans. Perhaps some collective form of Stockholm Syndrome keeps them drawn to their Democrat captors. :thinking:

What makes you think this?

Well people don’t know what they don’t know.

It’s more of a shame when people are proud of not knowing what they don’t know.


It is not my experience that ‘this bunch’ is any different from previous iterations of autonomist antifascists.

Nobody that hates pizza can be a patriot.


Oh but they are.

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They aren’t.

Not really.

Of course they are.

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It’s a product of what the globalist conspirators, have been doing for many years.

Q are the dumbest group of people in human history.

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