PS5 or XBOX-X or S

I think that’s why he’s talking Xbox.

Then get a Series X. I would recommend Disc version over digital. That way you get the best of both worlds. Throw in 3 months of Gamepass Ultimate and he will be set.

In addition MS has a far superior cloud streaming service. If you have a good enough internet connection many games can be played on any device. Plus GPU gives you access to GamePass for PC


This appears to be why Roblox is so popular. Just about anyone can play on the same server on just about any device.

Exactly. Phil Spencer head of Xbox is a massive proponent of cross play/cross save, play on any device.

This is why MS is investing so heavily in cloud computing. They want to largely replace the console with play anywhere subscription model.

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I would hate for gaming to go that route personally, but I do suppose there are thousands and thousands of games behind me that I haven’t played yet. lol

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Switch is great. My kids have one.

Console wise… can’t go wrong either way. Most games are released on multiple platforms. Some games are cross platform.

My kids play fortnite and Roblox mostly… those you can literally play anywhere.

We have fiber internet, so streaming isn’t an issue. I’m definitely going disc, too many old 360 games not to. Game pass sounds like the way to go as well, although a little pricey. I don’t mind paying upfront for good times, but the residual installments are a tough pill to swallow.

We have a switch and ps4, but it looks like I’m going heavy into an Xbox. I personally like PS, but it ain’t for me, and it seems Xbox has it going on.

The only reason I have a PS5 is due to nostalgia and the controller. The PS series of controllers are unmatched.

Even though I’m a huge Sony fanboy, I’ll openly say that Microsoft has the stronger platform ecosystem this time around.

They’ve been working at their new paradigm since 2017 when Gamepass debuted and they started buying studios and basically rebuilding their existing teams from the ground up. The fruit of that labor is now becoming ripe.

Basically the people who dealt with the first four years of the Xbox One (which was a very dark time for Xbox fans) are being rewarded handsomely for their loyalty.

I had a 360 from 2006-2010 (only time I ever left Sony; the PS3’s launch was so disastrous and it so overpriced that I traded my PS3 60 gig Pre-Order for a 360 with Gears of War and three used games). But I didn’t like the direction Microsoft was going in 2010 with their stupid focus on Kinect and the drought of good first party titles and the fact that I had went through four Red Ringed 360s by that point plus one that had a disc drive failure. Basically I got fed up and I traded my last 360 (a brand new one from Microsoft after the last one decided to Red Ring while I was playing Red Dead Redemption) for a Slim PS3, since Sony had turned that ship around finally by that point. The Xbox One was a joke in 2014 when I decided to upgrade to a new console so I bought a PS4 with no questions asked.

But if I was a brand new guy buying one of these new consoles with no prior back log, I would go Team Xbox. The Series X is an insanely good console and the Xbox ecosystem with Gamepass is honestly blowing the doors off of Sony.

But eh I’m so tied to PlayStation at this point that I’m stuck. I picked up a Switch in 2019 as my secondary console. Sold my PS4 to help pay for my PS5 at release. I’m satisfied but I won’t lie I do envy the Xbox guys these days. Microsoft is showering them with praise and good deals while Sony is starting to treat us long term PlayStation owners like second class citizens.

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Sir the best controller ever made is the Japanese Sega Saturn controller. That cannot be argued with.

I’m joking but it is my favorite controller design of all time since I play a ton of 2D fighting games. So every console I own I end up buying a replica Saturn controller for it from companies like Hori so I can school dudes online.

I know I should just learn Stick but I’m so wedded to the Saturn controller for fighting games that I just can’t find the willpower to switch.

I started out on an Atari playing pong and combat. I’ve been through Nintendo, Sega, N64 (007 was the greatest game ever made), PS1-3, the first Xbox, 360…and that’s where I ended. Except, oh yeah, Ghost Recon on the PC. The last game I really enjoyed was fallout 3. Then, my son got into games with a 3DS, switch, revived the old 360 and a PS4.

Point is, game systems come and go and are ever changing. The X sounds like it’s got a little longevity going for it. I know it won’t last, but Sony isn’t making any moves to compete, it seems.


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There is no reason to pay the full $15 per month. Plenty of deals out there and you can stack up to 3 years worth of subscription.

I have not paid for Gamepass and before that Gold for years. I do MS Rewards each day. Sure you have to be a bit anal about and take a few mins a day but for me its worth it. I do my daily points when I am sat on the bog or watching telly.

Plus through rewards I got a brand spanking new Series X and only had to pay the tax. They have nerfed a lot of ways to get points but for a few years I did everything possible to maximize my reward points and it paid off.

It is easy enough to earn enough points to pay for a GPU sub.

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You have never been more accurate

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You are entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts. Sir.

I was Sega all the way…until the very end, RIP Dreamcast

Is this the latest XBOX 10? Availble now at Best Buy.= 499.00 Is this an old one?

Yea that is the latest Series X.

MS Series X has been easier to get hold of because they paid for their chips to be prioritized.

However it is now getting far easier to grab either the X, S or PS5 console compared to launch.

And lets not forget the little brother of consoles The Nintendo Switch. Sure its definitely no power house but for reclining in the sofa and playing Witcher 3 it cannot be beat.

Though of course we now the newborn Steamdeck!!!

Is Steamdeck the same as one’s Steam account but on a handheld console?