Proposed budget - 4.4 Trillion dollar cuts over 10 year. Cheers? Or Jeers?

Just like how Trump supporters take from non farmers and give to farmers?


Welcome to the real world. Again, government has always taxed to provide humanitarian benefit and protection from the anarchy of truly free enterprise.

Means testing for the ACA expanded Medicaid.
Reporting of all wealth not just monthly income.

Or the next year. Period.

Of course, that tactic has been used by every president in our lives.

Libberish changes the meaning of many words.

“Investment” is one of them.

That first one is dead in the water. No boomer is gonna vote for that.

That’s amusing given they are bailing out coal with welfare…something you should be against on principle

Coal is dying. Nobody is killing of gasoline. The market is moving toward green cars.

This is why your policies in the end ( gop) are just failures.

Coal and farm bailouts…not a peep …

But hey as usual shove it to those poor folk…

60 million to bail out coal.
Billions to save farms we self inflicted.

Take take take…yet not a peep…because the orange one says its ok…

Education isnt investing? That’s wierd…

Clearly the gop doesnt

Its called investing in people.

No it isn’t since the more gov’t spends the more they have to take out of our pockets to start with.

None of those freebies is an investment by any accepted definition.

Clearly you dont know how expensive childcare is.
If you did you would know this is wrong.

“There he goes again… .”.

And yet they are.

Not true.

invest in phrasal verb

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invested in; investing in; invests in

Definition of invest in

1 : to use money for (something) in order to earn more money
//He made a fortune by investing in real estate.

//He invested his savings in the business.

2 : to spend money for building or improving (something)
//The city will invest millions of dollars in two new schools.

//The city plans to invest heavily in its educational system this year.

3 : to give (time or effort) in order to do something or make something better
//A lot of time was invested in the project.

//We need to invest more effort in educating our children.

4 informal : to spend money on (something useful or helpful to oneself)
//I am planning to invest in a good coat.