Proposed budget - 4.4 Trillion dollar cuts over 10 year. Cheers? Or Jeers?

I’ve been advocating cuts for years.

What I’d like to see:

Means testing social security. You don’t need it, you won’t get it.
Letting those that can afford and want it to continue with private health insurance with no penalty.
No lifetime bennefits (housing assistance, food stamps). Your on them for a specific amount of time baring extreme circumstances.
Make them TRUE safety nets.

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And Trump isn’t going to inspire any of that into existence with his attitude and politics. But keep supporting him…

Better than
New Green Deal
Kill Coal
Kill gasoline
Wealth tax
Wealth Redistribution.

Keep pretending the world is binary. No wonder this country is so divided.


Again . . .

Tax cuts better than tax increases and wealth tax.
Then more tax increases for new green deal
free college
free childcare
Killing off coal and gasoline for more expensive alternatives

Those idea’s should never see the light of day.

Austerity shrinks the economy even worse than tax increases do.

You’d think that lesson would have been learned by now but nope…

…instead we get this:

Gee steal from people and give to others (aka tax increases for free things) expands the economy . . . go figure.

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Yep…I called it.


Your binary thinking is what is wrong with the politics of this country


That’s a pretty elementary ‘understanding’

It’s neither elementary nor understanding.


I did put understanding in quotes :sunglasses:

So your against investment.

Depends on how you are defining investment when you take from people and give to others.

Free college
Free child care
Free Free Free Free
Take from those making the most and re-distribute it to those who don’t make as much.
Free Free Free Free

That’s not investing.

The net effect is the same. Whether you spend $5 or the government spends your $5, it’s still a net increase of $5.

You get minus $5 government gets plus $5.

Then $5 gets spent

You are not describing investing in something.

Yes. Yes I am. Spending money directed at a sector or market’s growth, supply or demand is an investment into that portion of the economy.

So what your saying is that liberals know better how to invest others money?

“Better” is vague and subjective. Again, your binary thinking confuses yourself.

Sometimes government is required for humanitarian investment that private markets do not make.

No it’s not. When liberal’s want to take from “rich people” who are keeping it for them selfves and re-distribute it – well the libs think they know better than the rich on how to invest the rich person’s money.