Proposed budget - 4.4 Trillion dollar cuts over 10 year. Cheers? Or Jeers?

Got nothing I figured

Any compromise should be realized at the expense of foreign aid. Plenty more to cut there.

I know how expensive childcare is, and yes, it’s wrong for you to make me pay for your child’s care. I pay for mine and am quite satisfied with the current arrangement.

So give the government all your money and let them handle your budget. What could go wrong?

And I dont and my wife stays at home. Given our youngest it works out for the better but childcare if paid for would help a lot of people out.

You know it would, does that mean it’s the job of government ? No but you know full well it would help a lot

He’s a recipient. Cut him some slack.

Why would anybody want a government surplus of money?

Forgot the multiplier.

Paying my mortgage and for my food would help me out. And my cable bill. My property taxes. Vet bills. Oh and Copenhagen.

I ain’t paying for your worm dirt!

It’s for the good of society.

No, it’d be another gimme. More incremental government dependency.

For the good of society, don’t use a Dr Pepper bottle as a spitune. Mistakes are made!

Disdain for expertise.

A hallmark of conservatism in recent years.

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I’d still be triggered too if after all these years I still didn’t know how GDP was calculated

Once the wall is built and our laws enforced, our budget will be cut. Can you hear me cheerin? :sunglasses:

I’m helping.

I do know now. Times it by $.09 because: government.

Why would I be triggered?

Does anyone have data on how many able bodied people of working age are getting “free free free”.

Both the federal welfare reform under Bill Clinton and workfare requirements in the states have gone after this problem.

Now no conservative politician has never hurt her standing with voters by attacking people getting free stuff… but, realistically, how many more people would Trump’s budget put back to work?

Whenever this issue gets looked into, it seems to always turn out that the working age people who are receiving benefits and not working fall into two categories: people who cannot work because of disabilities and women with chlldcare responsibilities and no inadequate access to child-care.

What would be great are some data on the size of the problem that this proposal will address.

Who needs data when appeal to emotion works so much better?