Pro Palestine Protests

It is pretty clear that most of the violence that erupts at many (not all) of protests, are due to police over reacting, or a handful of non-protesters taking advantage of the chaos to loot for personal gain.

We saw this with the recent college protests.

Etc. there are more.

Oh and @Samm again said significant portion. That didn’t happen either.

That didn’t happen either. Not majority not significant. These are provable facts. The fact that this nonsense proliferates speaks volumes about the nature of how some perceive information.

That’s not true. It wasn’t a handful either in summer of 2020. It was often organized looting.

The violence that is occurring on many campuses doesn’t match riots but it also isn’t being caused by police.


You are not wrong. It is rhetorical hyperbole to some extent but i think its perception too. I experienced it first hand when friends visiting from elsewhere USA were surprised to see Manhattan not smoldering. It was a media issue and they are apolitical. So it was just weird.

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Mostly peaceful was a stupid monicker.

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As usual someone else can verbalize what I was trying to say much more eloquently. Thanks.

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The fact that people think that the summer of love was actually primarily caused by the police murdering a citizen is fascinating to me. Sure it was one of the reasons for the riots but it wasn’t anywhere near the primary one

It was cities shutting down. It was the service industry shutting down. It was people confined to homes.

Then the flood gates opened.

Brandon the Hamas


It was an attempt to 1) Seize hegemony 2) Extort concessions leading to eventual seizure of hegemony.

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At the higher level? Yes. At the lower level it was a hell of a lot of opportunism.

you saw what you wanted to see


She likes having a scarf alternative to a swastika.


The people who are creating these contexts are not amateurs. They are SMEs.

Agree to disagree.

The media hypes it up…it is not as bad as they portray…there are still bad players that stir up crap…some are part of the protests…and some just there to stir up crap.

The Media magnifies those events, and not the 100’s of people that are peacefully protesting.

The the propaganda networks, make up crap like there are outside efforts organizing these events…based on tents being the same color and style.

Oh they tried in 2020. Intersectionality is a bitch.


End of discussion.

For you sure.