What happened to the J6 tape release?

Seems guns aren’t required either. They were more armed during Chaz here during the summer of love than the so-called insurrection.

Do you want to know why people on the right aren’t going along with the insurrection? Because for years BLM were literally burning down cities and the leftist media backed it and covered for them at every step calling it mostly peaceful protests while city after city burned.

We had to go along with armed blue haired people walking around with AR’s when they took over 5 city blocks in Seattle. During the summer of love. Baltimore, Charlotte, and many cities burned. And even during Covid when every group was banned including churches, and outdoor gatherings the one group who where allowed to go out to the street in mass where the George Floyd protestors. For whatever reason unknown to science George Floyd protestors were the only group immune to Covid.

We had to go along with years of this garbage then January 6th happened and I start seeing leftist comparing it to Pearl Harbor and 9-11. I don’t even like Trump much wanted DeSantis but not done like this. We used to berate other countries when they sacked the political opponent as dictatorships and banana republics. Now the side who say they want to save democracy is doing everything in my eyes to end it.