Privilege Bingo: Virginia school labeling military kids 'privileged'

Troy Aikman has enormous hands, decent twitch response and good vision.

This is an inherited advantage, in fields of comparison or conflict. He did nothing to be born with good elastin and fast reflexes. But, it’s not a privilege. It’s a set of traits. He could have cultivated them less, or fallen down a flight of stairs in the third grade, breaking his beck.

You folks seem to be regularly confusing advantage with privilege. Privilege is policy. The third generation Kennedy, Rockefeller or Goldwyn children are privileged, because the rules of property, law and power protect their position and status within society, regardless of their inherited advantages or shortcomings.

Four hundred years of skin-marked white supremacy did not mean every single white person was born with an advantage of superior traits. It meant that society was organized to actively disadvantage non-whites. You don’t have to feel bad about this. You don’t even have to try to put an end to it.

You’re just being asked not to burn it all to the ground because the system of whiteness doesn’t work as an organizing principle anymore.


Right on! :fist:t5:

White policy!

And it’s an excuse.

"I live in a ghetto…

  • not because my culture delegitimizes Math and English and skills needed for a job
  • not because my heros and my culture feeds me music focused on murder, addiction, and whores
  • not because my culture has coerced my dad to leave
  • not because my culture encouraged me to burn, loot, and get arrested

…but because I’M A VICTIM! "

Nice Crit speech, denying, while advocating for programming that teaches the very thing you deny. The Privilege Assessments, like Privilege Bingo, traits to rationalize a predetermined assignment of privilege, used to designate individuals, by identity group, as oppressor or oppressed.

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For the English colonial governors, then Jefferson, Taylor, Johnson (Andrew), Wilson, Trump, and a legion of other poobahs minor and major, yes - policy to create a racial caste system, three quarters of the duration of which, explicitly enforced through corvee slavery, violence, colonial expansion, and genocide. And?

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Programing? Boy, your lens is warped.

The simple truth of all this CRT, Wokism, whatever you want to call it, is that it is all a last desperate gasp by the black nation to hold on to privilege. The privilege of being the minority who deserves disproportional power, influence, consideration, charity, resources.

That was the whole reason for the Conference in the Convent in 1989 and what this noise is all about.

It’s just about over.


And hogwash.

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Just recognizing an overcoming objections script when I see one.

Reads like a cut and paste straight out of the 1619 Project.

@tzu has a better thesaurus.

He apparently doesn’t recognize classic programming through mental duress methodology.

you crit you :rofl:

So your parents were married, worked hard and took care of you. You are above average in intelligence. You feel good when you work at a task and accomplish it. You watch your weight and your health. Because your parents worked hard they were able to provide you with some money.

You can label that privilege if you want.

So what? Does that create some sort of obligation in you, other than one you set for yourself if you so choose? And, in the context of this thread, what business is your “privilege” to a government run mandatory school system?

I just listen when you© talk and read when you© write.

Actually you aren’t really that critty. You’re more like marginalist.

I think in the back of your mind you know it’s over, but you feel you have to be loyal. It’s ok.

The really funny thing is “white” isn’t a minority and won’t be.

Yeah no one’s gotten more positive breaks from the annals of history than black folks in America. I mean, they just stopped being overtly treated like second class citizens well within living memory, what’s more privileged than that?


“Race” is a dying criteria. I can’t wait to throw the last shovel of dirt on it.


Must be why it’s all you talk about these days. Really it’s all conservatives in general have been talking about since 2008, I’m trying to remember what happened to start that.


Not ironic likes on my posts. Noooooooo