Primary Trend: Women are Winning!

The one I saw participating videoed herself committing a firearms felony because she didn’t know the laws related to her publicity stunt. And she wanted to be in a position to change laws she is ignorant of. Her vagina did not make her the most qualified person for the job. Ann’s she was rightfully defeated. Perhaps due to her own stupidity.

More stupid people ignorant of the job they are campaigning for? No.

I also think our President is a motivating factor here. I think more women are being motivated to run for office because of there feelings toward Trump.

The one i saw participating was on a video bragging about grabbing women’s body parts.

Stupid men are okay though?

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Just like having a ■■■■■ doesn’t make someone the most qualified person for the job. Not all women are going to be quality candidates but some will be, just like with men. Having a bigger pool to choose from is a net positive, choice is good.

Seems the progressives are being push out of the dem party by the socialists…

and had not the country been trained by the media to accept Bill Clinton’s real abuse of women, it might of worked.

Eh. I think there is some truth to that. The same thing happened during the “Tea Party” years for the Republicans.

Dems should notice most countries are moving away from socialism to market capitalism. Look at Asia. Latin American socialism is not the way.

I think so too. And that is the problem. Just because something “feels” right doesn’t mean it is the right thing to do.

Then you should have voted against him.

Sure, on a macro scale, the DNC might want to think globally about the direction of it’s party. On a local level, like in New York’s 14th district, they liked Ocasio-Cortez. Is this the first domino in a wave of socialist activism? Who knows. I personally don’t think so. Perhaps in the more urban, diverse districts. But will it catch on in other Democrat leaning communities? Hard to say.

Are you saying women are not people?

Please don’t edit my response.

Great. Then elect those and defeat the ones that are not qualified

It will be interesting to watch… Seems like those demographic changes the dems and swamp have been forcing on America will hit the dem parties leadership first.

That’s an interesting point. When you think of the changing demographics, you tend to focus on how that will only help Democrats. But it’s very possible those same changing demographics splinter the party pushing it in a direction that hurts its chances to win elections.

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What are you arguing about?

I didn’t change anything I your response. If you are referring to my selection off what I was responding to for clarity in my response, I’m cooing to politely decline your request.