Primary Trend: Women are Winning!

Pink wave?

Good point.

What about the turkey sammiches?

You say slurs, I say who’s making the biscuits?

In a kiddie pool.

IKR. Just like all women! Having them in any kind of power is a huge mistake, right?!

Anything going for them other than their sex?

I don’t give a rats behind the gender. What are they bringing to the table?

Bartender to senator… should be interesting … though I would argue more confidence in a bartender than most of what we currently have in DC.

Sure. You should always consider competence when supporting a candidate. But all things equal, If you value seeing yourself represented in your leadership, then supporting someone because they are a woman, or black, or transgender is OK with me.

Almost as interesting as going from reality TV star to POTUS

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I mean, yeah, that’s how voting works.

Quick. Get that trademarked.

Exactly. Well said.

Nice try. Choosing a person for a job based on the configuration of their genitalia is a mistake. If a woman is the best qualified candidate, then choose her for the job. If she’s not the best qualified, then chose the person that is.

I think woman are seeing a lack of female representation in their communities and are deciding to participate in the process.

Biscuits? Hopefully gravy?


I don’t think most dems know what happened. You just got moved to the far left in that seat. Probably a lot more of them will go far left also.

Hasn’t been said. Just a happy dance about their gender.

I’m with her →

Isn’t more people participating in the political process a good thing?

Possibly. I think she represents the voters who put her there. Whether or not is speaks to a larger trend of pushing more progressive is a good question. We’ll have to wait and see. What I think we can confidently say, is that her win represents a trend of pushing against the establishment. Something that both parties are trending towards.

I give you the Trump Clan.