Preview of Bolton's book

Bolton who?


And none of them were credible.

I’m interested in the part where Pompeo allegedly said he thought Rudy was trying to get rid of the ambassador to protect his corrupt clients. It’s what people assume all along, Trump got rid of the person going after corruption while saying he cares deeply about corruption.

Pompeo should totally testify as well. Just to see him perjure himself. But I assume he…and Mulvaney…would just stonewall by asserting executive privilege or by taking the 5th. Their words…and reputations… are worthless.

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If he is then you would want him testifying under oath, where there would be penalty for his lying. So do you want him to testify or not?

Been seeing it here for a week now.

He’s being sarcastic…foretelling the inevitable GOP backlash at this…betrayal.

One more… and the most likely one to flip is Lamar Alexander. However, I would not could on Collins to vote for witnesses. We have seen her act again and again. She makes a big show of how hard she is thinking about an issue but in every single instance she has voted with Trump. Why should she not do so this time, especially when he is dangling a big push to help for struggling reelection bid.

Here’s another one you’ll see soon…

Oh now you libz like John Bolton???


She is soooo screwed either way. Romney doesn’t have to do this but he will out of moral conviction. I think the same for Murkowski. Collins? Yeah we’ll see.

Don’t trust his Neo-con war stances one bit.

Trump surrounds himself with people like Parnas, Michael Cohen etc. etc. None of them are particularly palatable… but they all have similar stories to testify too… under oath.

He was just a Barista…

None of this information will change anything. Trump will not be removed and not a single senate republican will for against him. We’ll then get a stream of details from witnesses the GOP will prevent from testifying over then next few months. It will all come out, it won’t be good for Trump or the GOP. They’ll pay the price at the polls when it becomes clear Trump is corrupt and the GOP was complicit. Sometime before election day Lindsey Graham and Ted Cruz will become shocked as the truth comes out.

It’d be nice to think this matters to independents. We’ll see. It certainly doesn’t matter to the 5th Ave Base.

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“No it isn’t” because it didn’t happen or “no it isn’t” because Trump can do that if he wants?

Whether withholding the money would be by itself impeachable, there is another problem. Trump from the beginning has claimed that he did not hold the money back in order to pressure Ukraine for an investigation.
If this is true, then he did exactly what he said he didn’t do.
Either Trump or the NYTs is likely to have problems over this.

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We can fairly sure guess who lied

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Exactly. They are too entrenched in the defense of “there was no quid pro quo” and the aid was not conditioned on the investigations. They should have committed to the “there’s nothing wrong with it” narrative when Mulvaney let the cat out of the bag.

Why would the NYT have problems?

Seriously speaking this could put McConnell in a very bad position.

Bolton has already said he’d testify, he just needs the Senate to invite him.

If McConnell continues to white wash the trial and doesn’t allow witness like a past 19 impeachments (judges and presidents) and then Bolton’s book comes out and it says this. The DEMs will use it during the upcoming elections probably to great effect. Telling GOP Senators that if they break ranks they will have their political heads on a pike (no support from the RNC for reelection).

If McConnell does see the writing on the wall and let’s Bolton testify and he confirms Trump was doing the dirt-for-arms drug deal then Senators that STILL vote for Trump could be in a bad place even with RNC funding.