President Trump’s Lies - List Them Here

So many favorites…I wouldn’t know where to start.

They also found that he said on Howard Stern when the war first started that he was for it.

This particular lie pisses me off to no end, particularly as Trump’s lying gibberish about Sean Hannity is especially rich, as when Trump claimed during a debate re: his opposition:

And that is before the war started. Sean Hannity said very strongly, to me and other people, he’s willing to say, but nobody wants to call him, I was against the war. He said, “You used to have fights with me,” because Sean was in favor of the war. And I understand that side also. Not very much, because we should have never been there, but nobody called Sean Hannity.

Okay, let’s just set aside the fact that 1). passionately supporting the Iraq war was the sine qua non of “conservatism” in 2002, '03, and '04 here on these forums, 2). despite being labeled traitors and terrorist lovers for years, anti-war liberals were right about Iraq, 3). it’s absurd that a Republican ran in 2016 as the I never supported the war candidate and now has John Bolton as his national security advisor and 4). Trump’s presumption that Sean Hannity is some kind of neutral arbiter here is totally ridiculous.

Instead, let’s just look at this “call Sean Hannity” nonsense in context. I started listening to Sean in 2002 and 2003, before the war (that’s how I first joined this forum back then). Hannity regularly had on anti-war celebrities and various mealy-mouthed stick-figure liberals, who were set up as heels and treated like absolute garbage on the show (in one case, Hannity brought up an actor’s long-past alcoholism during an argument, which was disgraceful; the guy got double-mugged by Sean and James Woods, who was a fellow pro-war guest).

Anyway, there was ample opportunity for Trump to come on and mix it up with Sean about Iraq. Hannity did this, like every afternoon, for weeks. Guess what? No Trump.

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Good post, but the profanity filter failed to screen your f-bomb. Just giving you a heads-up. :wink:

There was no presidency between 2001 -2009. It was a liberal ploy to make conservatism look bad.

I bet coin if he releases his taxes it would say lesser than that.

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Great post, Marg. I wish we could bundle all your posts into one giant compendium, including the now-tragically-lost posts from the old forum.

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We could call it: Random Reflections from a Third-Rate Mind.


“Somebody call Sean Hannity!”

Maybe they should have paused the debate to do that…?

Jesus wept.

“We’ve signed more bills — and I’m talking about through the legislature — than any president, ever.”

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“I do” x ?

“The deals we have with other countries are unbelievably bad. We don’t have any good deals. In fact, I’m trying to find a country where we actually have a surplus of trade as opposed to a deficit. Everything’s a deficit.”

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Are we only supposed to list the lies of Donald Trump or are we supposed to list the lies of Donald Trump and all his aliases?

Trump said things were “bigly” when bigly is not even a word - liar!!!

As a personal aside: I gotta give my dad some credit here. He’s a total MAGA Trump-loving, hat-wearing guy. But he doesn’t deny that Trump lies constantly and he doesn’t move to the reflexive ■■■■■■■■ He’s just like all politicians thing, either.

Rather, he has a more elaborate riff about how Trump’s a true brawler who essentially has to lie a lot to survive in such a hostile environment. I find it unconvincing and silly, but at least it has the virtue of accepting a base-level of objective reality.

This is about bigly more than that. But then you knew that.

that is the greatest article ever.

Baffling that otherwise intelligent people can read that an still support this liar.

That’s not a lie.

But telling people you never said the government would pay for people’s healthcare, when there is a recording of you saying just that…that is a lie.

Another distinguishing characteristic: there’s never any regret or acknowledgement of reality.

So, for example, Barack Obama makes his “Like your doctor, keep your doctor” claim. The ACA rolls out. He gets called out for the claim. He makes a public acknowledgement and apologizes. Reality asserts itself.

Trump never does this. In fact, he goes to elaborate lengths to fabricate an alternative reality after the fact of his lying, as in the case of his totally insane, unsupported voter-fraud lies. He creates this (now discredited and disbanded) voter integrity commission (headed by inexplicably dunderheaded stumblebum and all-around dip**** Kris Kobach), a committee aka the most bizarre thing I’ve ever been a part of, that’s designed to retroactively validate Trump’s outrageous and nonsensical lie.

I’m John Miller and I approve this message.