Predict what will happen to the people including at least some from Stephen Colbert show arrested at Capitol last night, June 16th

Imagining having the secret service instructing to “chew sir chew!” Yes. Otherwise no.


What’s it like to hold onto something like that for 20 years?

Most of You guys can’t even admit that the admin even happened. Hillary sent troops to Iraq and dems caused the Great Recession vía the cra. So please spare me the indignation.

There is a handful of you here who admit vigorously supporting his admin. The rest won’t.

I am not holding onto anything. When something is truly funny. It’s funny forever.

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I agree it’s too much reading into an observation. The one difference I would note is the false equivalence of comparing a prolonged voluntary movement such as gait to a brief involuntary movement such as a mechanical fall/trip.

lol… too much reading into an observation, which i will now read into

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What did I “read into?” Did I give a diagnosis or medical opinion? Must be fun to read into absolutely nothing. Lol.

of course you did, and everyone can see that… except maybe you


Better be.

I too hope when you are 79 that you are physically able to ride a bike. I also hope that by then you would have more sense than to try a stunt like that. Most serious injuries to seniors come from falls and Joe was lucky he didn’t end up in the hospital. He may have gotten up and rode off, but I’ll guarantee you he is feeling the effects of it today.

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I don’t know about that. I’m 75 and am still comfortable on a bike and he is a much more avid biker than I am. After the skill becomes instinctive, you really don’t lose it. The saying “like riding a bicycle,” is not without merit.

Stunt? What stunt? Stopping his bike and not getting his toe clip to release as he expected?

Give the man a break.

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Sure. Quote me. Everyone can see it. Should be easy to show the diagnosis or medical opinion I made.

I’ll save you the effort. There’s nothing to quote because I did no such thing. Except in your mind perhaps. I can’t wait for the vacuous retort from the same location.

Riding a bike is a “stunt?” What physical activity for a 79 year old would not be considered a “stunt?”

it’s obvious he shouldn’t be on a bike. yes some near 80 year olds can ride on a bike. but he shouldnt be

the “stunt” part comes in where they all feel this makes him look youthful and able

look how that worked out

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It’s not obvious at all. He manages on a bike better than many people 20-30 years … or more … younger. He is an avid biker. He always has been. It’s not like he took it up to look Presidential or something. As I said, give the man a break. There are numerous things to criticize about him. This is NOT one of them.


nothing democrats do is without some amount of “acting”

yes he’s a biker. but when you cant pull out your foot from the clip and flop right over like you have no reflexes, time to err on the side of safety

Nah. ■■■■ happens.

Last month I was riding home from work in the rain and hit what I thought was a puddle but it was a pot hole.

Ate some side walk… screwed up my shoulder… had a nice gash on my leg and lacererated my palms.

Got up and rode the rest of the way home.

If you bike enough…. You will fall eventually and hopefully it won’t hurt too bad.

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My last one was too sharp a turn on a low tire. Grumbled the whole walk back to the compressor

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I’ll bet thousands of bikers, probably tens or even hundreds of thousands … most much younger than he … have experienced exactly the same mishap. To make a big deal out of this trivial occurrence reflects upon you more than him.

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