Predict what will happen to the people including at least some from Stephen Colbert show arrested at Capitol last night, June 16th

And here I thought Democrats only did things for the collective. For the Common Good.

Sorry…I couldn’t resist. :grin:

I have no problem with people finding entertainment in trips and falls (no significant injuries, of course). I watch more than my fair share of fail videos and think they’re hilarious. The problem comes when a trip or fall, which is a normal part of being human, is turned into an irrefutable sign of mental or physical decline.

Not saying you’re in that category. Also not saying this is new or not done by both sides.

Lighten up, it’s pretty funny is all…

The man nearly died chewing a pretzel! :grin::joy:

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most if not all these were weeks, months after all the mayhem, after polls started showing problems with their reticence.

The majority of 79 year olds would have more common sense. But then they aren’t posing for cameras.


Prosecute the hell out of them.

I believe that all of the rioters involved in January 6th deserve everything that’s happened to them. Unfortunately, the left continues to cheerlead leftist violence and their rioters face minimal consequences, at best. Just the perks of being state-sanctioned by the DNC.

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I hope when I’m 79 I’m both able and not afraid to ride a bike. Biden got up and rode away without issue. He doesn’t appear to be afraid of bikes. To each their own. Maybe bikes will be the next boogeyman added to the list of things conservatives are afraid of? Libs, communists, socialists, transgenders, homosexuals, CRT advocates, BLM, Antifa, pro-choice, gun control, illegals, environmental protection, academics, vaccines, masks, Soros, white replacement theory, deep state, and bikes.

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except for all the democrat politicians who condemned that violence, some of which are posted about 3 posts above this.

in late summer. months after it went on

you know, EXCEPT for that

…inflation, woke school administrators pushing their ideologies on children, uncontrolled borders, the move from energy independence to gas pushed to outrageous prices, food shortages, supply line failures. A crude segue from bike riding but yes, conservatives are afraid of a number of things. According to polls, so are most Americans. Perhaps a failed administration has something to do with it.


You must have missed every thread here on them then.

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How about those who use a handrail when walking?

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This happened:

This happened:

And now this happened:

There’s plenty of other examples of tacit Democratic Party approval of leftist violence and political intimidation, but you already knew that.


Why not be more consistent and condemn ALL violent acts ? For example, I do not believe Biden, Pelosi, and Schumer have yet condemned the suspect up on attempted murder charges on a SCOTUS justice.


Again, poking fun is fair game for every POTUS especially by their political foes.

Here is a CNN analysis off President Trump comments at West Point where #45 did not even fall down.


Did that make you giddy?

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I don’t believe it is a failed administration, I think our destruction is being done on purpose.

All is going according to plan as far as the Globalists are concerned.



where’s CNN’s “why Biden’s fall of the bike matters?”

oh wait, is my bias showing again…?