Poll for the unvaccinated (re: FDA approval)

To date he has been unable to offer a shred of evidence to back his assumption.


It makes no sense. When I hear someone died of COVID, I immediately suspect what they look like. Most of the time I’m right, unfortunately. This is something every obese person could mitigate.

And those are the same people lecturing you about your health and what drugs you should take.

Slop bodies don’t put in the work. It’s easier to have faith in magic drugs.


I didn’t vote because none of the options applied to me.


There are always outliers, yet those who have had Covid and didn’t know it or it was no worse than a summer cold mostly were under 60, had a low BMI, had high levels of Vitamin D in their system (sunshine or supplement), regularly took vitamin c and zinc, and maintained a workout regimen.

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Lest we forget that over 40% of all known cases last year were asymptomatic.


Is there data that backs up the contrary?

This doesn’t mean healthy nonvaccinated people haven’t died from it.

I agree, but those are outliers.

You know the drill, you make the assertion it’s up to you to prove it. If someone makes the contrary assertion then you can ask them to prove it.


Because they don’t work as well as the vaccines.

Another steps up to the plate, prove it.

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Odds of dying from taking the vaccine: 0.0000%

Odds of dying while achieving immunity by getting covid: 1.61%

General odds, now do the young and healthy, which is what we are discussing. And there have been quite a few deaths attributed to the vaccine.


No there haven’t. That ■■■■■■■■ has been debunk countless times.

So throw in the one…was it one? j&j blood clots that seem not to have been caused by the vaccine…

to 1.61.

And don’t move the goal posts…we are talking general safety.

You are way more dave taking the vaccine.

Not true.

All facts that do not include getting the magical unicorn vaccine are to be dismissed. Must obey the needle. :rofl:


So you deny any deaths from the vaccine? Seriously? You think the number is one? Amazing.


Rather than amazing it is BS. Even the leftists know that even if they deny it.

Post a link.

And not that debunked registry of people who died after getting vaccinated.