Poll: 73% of Republicans blame 'left-wing protesters' for Jan. 6 attack. Wut?

You’re doing it now

oregon just expelled a right wing legislator who aided protestors who invaded their state capitol.
the US house should to the same to the right wingers who aided the insurection

what insurrection, there was no insurrection. what there was, was a protest that devolved into a riot.

a 12.5% royalty, a rate that hasnt been adjusted since 1920. as compared to the rate for drilling offshore which is 18.75%, 50% higher.

texas for example charges a 25% royalty

Okay… and you love Trump. Where do we go from here?

That is far less than I pay for an creating an app that had 0 environmental effect on anything or used any limited national natural resources.

Instead of having to tax someone who creates software or a farmer. Use the exploition of national natural resources to fund the country. People would be more open and accepting to the risk

it was a violent uprising against an authority or government, AKA an insurrection. And it was planned. We know that.

admittedly, i believe he was a great president. where i go is with the unvarnished truth. no hyperbole, no spin, no talking points to guide me. where do you go?


  1. trump claims the election was stolen. (does he believe that? I don’t know. only he does)
  2. trump called for supporters to peacefully and patriotically make their voices heard
  3. trump called for supporters to fight those who didn’t do right in primaries
  4. trump messaged his supporters to remain peaceful within minutes of hearing about it
  5. trump did not incite any violence
  6. trump could have and should have done more and been more proactive to end the riot sooner
  7. the capitol police did not ask for help and in fact turned it down when offered in precaution
  8. the capitol police were forewarned and failed to prepare
  9. the capitol police are under the jurisdiction of the congress
  10. the capitol police could have and should have done more and been more proactive to prevent the situation in the first place including accepting the help DoD (trump) offered in preparation.

is trump responsible for what happened? no
was his response exemplary? no

Ya man, when an evil criminal collective undermines your political system commits massive open voter fraud with the purpose of openly destroying democracy and your society.

Just peacefully ask them nicely to stop :rofl: maybe let them know how triggered you are as well. Maybe make a little tweet or # as well amirite​:clown_face:

Are you actually for real right now?

That’s how you think we should respond to the destruction of America?"

Still waiting for a response :rofl:

If it turns out no one ever had any evidence for any of the ridiculous claims made that convinced Americans that an evil criminal collective undermined the political system and commited massive open voter fraud with the purpose of openly destroying democracy and American society’s what should happen?

which government did they uprise against? last i checked the guy they supported was heading it at the time. were they trying to overthrow the congress? no. did they declare themselves an autonimous zone? no. did they call for the overthrow of the us government? no. they were trying to delay a vote. it was a protest that devolved into a riot. not insurrection.

protest is the first step and the American way. you certainly don’t jump straight to civil war.

They called for an election to be nullified, so I am going with yes.

then you would be 100% wrong.

they were not calling for an election to be nullified. they were calling for a delay in a vote of the congress so that the guy they believed won, would win.

Yeah- that’s trying to overturn an election.
It was violent.

and yet, not insurrection.

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You are aware that it was only roughly 50,000 or so votes in a few key swing states that decided the last election? The Senate is 50/50 and there’s only a slight majority in the House? Don’t you think declaring the GOP dead a bit premature. Let’s see what happens in the Midterms first. Personally I hated Trump and have no love loss for the GOP, and wish there was indeed a viable 3’rd party, but there’s not a chance in hell I would ever vote for today’s Democrat party.

And that’s another part of the problem. People these days have been programmed to think the other party is evil.

Despite my distaste for Trump and his new minions in the GOP, there are still Republicans that I will vote for. Despite my dislike for the more extreme side of the Democratic party, there are democrats that I will vote for. Before Trump, I voted straight GOP from the first election I was eligible to vote in until 2016 with the exception of one office where I voted 3rd party in 2008. Now, thanks to Trump, my vote is truly an independent vote. If someone was trying to analyze my voting pattern now through partisan eyes, they would get thoroughly confused. In short, I vote for the person - not the party.


Same thing I’ve been harping at, trumpys and antifa/BLM super wokies have almost identical traits and beliefs except one for some reason believes trump is the Savior.

Core attributes are black and white thinking, craving victimization, demonizing opposition to absurd amounts, inability to accept reality if it might go against their personal naritive.

And Feels over logic all day


It’s really not that easy and can’t be broad-brushed any differently than half of the Democrats wanting Sanders and the other half looking for a candidate left of center.

There is a significant percentage of voters that are single issue voters like taxes and they are a lot that will vote just because of the supreme courts. They aren’t in the category as you explained. The GOP not a hive mind.

People with right wing views are not a hive mind, but trumpys at Jan 6th were.

Out of the well over I 100 interviewed at the Jan 6th event all but 3 or 4 believe that an evil/malicious organization was responsible for undermining and corrupting our political system and was in the process of destroying our democracy and American society and that the evidence was indisputable.

There were varieties but the basic idea stayed the same and about half sincerely said they were willing to bet their lives on it.