Police fired after shooting man in back. Man was in wheelchair and had a knife

They could have just stuck a broom handle through the wheels.

Yes. The shutdown let parents see lots of things that had been kept hidden from them.


I’d love to have a couple of cameras and mics in my classroom, for my protection. Pity the teacher’s union in this district thinks it infringes on the teacher’s rights.


Exactly…And god knows how many people cops killed and walked away scott free.

Ya if he and ied he could be exterminated with extreme prejudice. In this case though it was a knife and he shouldn’t have been shot maybe at worse the police would shoot the tire out of the wheel chair.

Grab him by the hair and yank him out of the damn chair.

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When was the last time a guy in a wheelchair had an IED in this country?

A movie called Batman V Superman.

I can’t even think of a real life event that’s occurred in my life time involving a wheelchair bound man and an explosive.

I’d be fine with that.

You could bet that some disabled-rights group would call it abuse of an at-risk adult, or something like that.

This man had his back turned and it’s not like he had stolen property or just assaulted someone.

I am in agreement that what this cop did was unnecessary. Don’t shoot him, but rather, get him to the ground or try to disarm him when his back is turned. It is difficult to turn around in a wheelchair when someone is right up your ass.

Same here. And I am disabled or used to be. If I was attacking someone by throwing punches, when my hips were bad, someone has every right to defend themselves or restrain me.

I’m sick of people getting a pass because they are disabled. Another case would be a man with stage 6 dementia sexually assaulting or raping another person. He needs to be restrained in the very least.


Or just unplug his chair from the battery.

And who other than you said that?

(That is not remotely what @Guvnah said.)

I believe you just answered your own question.

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I suspect that his head wasn’t “clicking” on all cylinders.

I’d be willing to bet that body cams exonerate cops far more often than they condemn them.

I don’t think cops carry brooms. A nightstick perhaps?

Did you see the video? Holy crap!! Walmart is serious about their security.

From the camera angle inside the store, you can see an employee run away. Had the cop missed, that employee could have been hit.

Questionable? That old fool in that wheelchair wouldn’t have even scared my wife. A simple broom handle could flip that chair on its side.