Police draw guns on black teens and detain them - For the crime of being assaulted while black

I will say this, Big Boy with the rifle is very poorly trained. He doesn’t know how to run a gun.

That’s nice but totally irrelevant to my statement/question.

BTW, witnesses to the Floyd arrest said that he did not resist and tried to calm the situation down.

Apparently we’re supposed to believe that bystanders are always honest, never lie, and never have any bias.

Orrrrr something like that.

In today’s super charged anti cop environment, you can always count on everyone to be unbiased observers of fact.

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We know where that comes from. We see you.


Drum roll. There are about 100 million police stops per year. That makes these situations incredibly rare. Do you agree, that over all police do a fantastic job? Are you looking for perfection?

What do you mean, “these situations”? I see no evidence these officers acted badly so far.

Fair enough. That would be up to leadership to determine if any policy was violated. You may be correct. With Body cams, police have no margin for error. It’s a tough way to make a living. They deserve our respect and understanding.

52.6% of all murders are committed by only 6% of the population. “Bad apples” are determined by their own actions.


Thank you for this random, unrelated fact.

because you want it to be and choose to see it. where is the evidence of it? There is none.

If we are going to blame whole groups for the actions of a few(police), seems to me there are other, far more problematic groups, to point the finger at in terms of crime and violence.


Who could forget this gem right here. This is like a Dave Chappelle skit come to life.

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We’re halfway home. This fact is horrendous…wouldn’t you agree? It’s absolutely despicable and should be the focus of BLM because it’s a fact. It’s the number one reason for black deaths and yet…it’s being overlooked…just like what you’re doing right now. Why do you think that is? Why is it that the only thing some want to focus on…is white police officers when confronting black men?


If black death should be the focus of BLM, by your standard, the focus of NRA should be white death.

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This ^^

It’s always the guy on the football field who retaliates that gets the penalty flag thrown on him.

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Everyone has a story.

Who can forget this young lady, just starting her career as an officer and just murdered in cold blood.

Black lives matter…amirite? If this is the focus, why not address the actual problem that is causing by far the majority of all black lives being lost? Is this movement actually fake? Is it a lie? What say you?

You got owned.