Pocahontas releases her DNA results

What racially insensitive names do Democrats call Trump?

Have you ever seen me post a name remotely resembling an insult regarding Trump.

The answer is noā€¦

as for others they should not do it.

name calling isnt right or honorable LOL


Just asking, I donā€™t recall seeing you complain about it is all.


One example, there are plenty more, how many would you like to see?

Arenā€™t you libs all about charging people with ā€œwhataboutismā€?

For the record, I decry Trumpā€™s namecalling. Whether or not I do, though, doesnā€™t change one word of what I wrote.

I answered your question about what it takes to call yourself a Native American. You didnā€™t even acknowledge that. You just changed the subject.

So why did you even ask the question?

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Watch for Republican media people and how they react to this today. That will tell you a lot about them.

So calling him white is racially insensitive?

that said a harvard spokesperson called her native american. Not her.

Tomato tomahto.

Waitā€¦heā€™s grumpy.

Heā€™s old.

Heā€™s white.

Not seeing anything racially insensitive.

Elizabethā€™s biggest mistake was repeating what her relatives told her (which turned out to be true). Shame on her for listening to her parents/grandparents.

And thank you to the Republican Media for trashing her for repeating such garbage from her folks. Thatā€™s what Christian Values are all about.

Nah, they are too bust still talking about ā€œslam dunk obstruction of justiceā€ charges against Hillary Clinton and that Dr. Ford is a fraud and should shut up.

Theyā€™ll poke holes at Warrenā€™s release. Iā€™m sure Rush will make fun of her, probably play some Native American music, and all the CEC followers will laugh and laugh.

well thatā€™s silly. when a person is proven to have said something thatā€™s incorrect about someone like Elizabeth they should just politely say theyā€™re sorry then move on.

I guess ā€œgrumpyā€ must be a new racial slur since being old and white are simply factual descriptors.

You know what a negative racial stereotype is right?

the results hardly justify her officially declaring her ethnicity as ā€œnative American

1/512 Native American.


Sounds like bragging rights to me. Sheā€™s on the warpath now.

We find when talking to people about their ancestry, that family tradition is pretty darn accurateā€¦of course, if Warren did the midocondrian, itā€™s through mother to mother to mother to mother.

Didnā€™t trump offer her money if she did it? How much does she get from him?

Nothing, because it didnā€™t prove she was Native American.