Pocahontas releases her DNA results

It’s from the same account he uses to pay taxes. She won’t get a dime.

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The October surprise!

i doubt he’d use that account. probably has dirty money running through it.

or 1/32 or somewhere in between.

The thing is this DNA test vindicates her. Her family told her that she had a Native American ancestor and it is likely true.


That’s not what he said.

they don’t care and there will be no apologies.

honor. integrity.

War bonnet. Not hat.

“Likely true”



it must suck to get so many conspiracies shot down. the minority president really wasn’t born in africa. walmart wasn’t a military staging area. there wasn’t a child sex thing at that pizza shop. elizabeth’s parents weren’t lying. trump did release his tax returns.

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Elizabeth Warren was lying and she knows it. The 10th generation Indian blood claim could be made by a large swath of people in this country. Are they all Native Americans and eligible for special benefits. Cut me a break. :roll_eyes:

I’m more Native American than her. And I never used it for anything.

She’s a fraud, and we’re gonna need to see those results. Not just some Boston Globe two-paragraph blurb.


He needs to pay up.

Bad news is now she can’t vote. Invalid ID.

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our president doesn’t pay his regular bills. why would he pay this?

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Why? His original offer was to pay if she proved she was Native American as she falsely claimed to be, she hasn’t remotely done that.

Your article contains a refutation of your premise. His offer was if she proved she was Native American, not if she proved she had a teeny tiny fraction of Native American DNA.

If its 6 generations ago it’s 1/32nd of percent and if its 10 generations ago it’s 1/512th of a percent! Big Whoop!!

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Must have missed the “teeny tiny fraction” stipulation in his original statement. Let me guess, if we all read deeply into it that’s what he’s always meant. He means lots of things he does or does not say. :roll_eyes:

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No need to read very deeply, he clearly said if it proved she was Native American, having that small fraction of Native DNA doesn’t make her a Native American, sorry.