Pelosi to Biden

Whose slow here if you’re going all the way back to Coolidge and Thomas Jefferson when you’ve got Bill Clinton in the recent past! :roll_eyes:

No I don’t think that it was alright. I won’t be voting for Biden… but it is over issues… not this.

I think that there was a pretty good path that Biden could have taken to apologize and move forward which would have satisfied most reasonable people… but he didn’t do that… so he can go out into the wilderness for all I care.

This is the thing about a sychophant trying to concern troll people… I am not beholden to any politician and I feel no need to defend the indefensible.

Until the same standards you want applied to Biden you will apply to Trump then your points come across as feckless.

So much crazy ■■■■ has happened that honestly forgot the President of the United States called a porn star that he banged “horseface”

The Aristocrats!!!


Yeah its a gratification fetish and he definitely violates a woman’s and girls physical space by his behavior.

Yes. It is terrible that Donald Trump would do that.

So it just wasn’t as bad. Got it. Can you let us know what manner of acting badly is acceptable?

I can see which post of mine you responded to.

And the fact that you can ask me that while accepting those behaviors in your candidate is… fascinating.

So you’re ok with bad behavior as long as it’s not as bad as someone on the other side. Got it. You were upset Al Franken resigned, weren’t you?

I don’t defend Trump. I will defend his policies that I agree with.
But there are people here who are defending Biden. The same people who say the left are the defenders of all woman. The same people who have spent over three years trashing Christians for voting for Trump will pull the lever for Biden if the race comes down to Biden or Trump.
Which just go’s to show that they have no problem with what Trump or Biden has said or done.
Who they have a problem with is Christian’s. They honestly believed that Christians would vote for Hillary or vote third party because Trump was so uncouth. They thought they had the perfect person for Hillary to run against. They could not lose because no Christian family voter would ever vote for someone like Trump. That they did not vote the way the left wanted them to has made the left angry. How could they have miss judged what all those church goers would do.

Yes yes we hear that all the time from self labelled Christians that Trumps personal life is between him and god, yet these same people didn’t hold back about Clinton. Do you really expect me to believe that these “Christians” would hire someone to work for them if they knew the candidate personal life went against everything they believed in? Of course not. By voting for Trump they are hiring him to represent them.

This is just more hypocrisy from Trump supporters.

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The Religious Right voting for Trump just exposed that everything that they have been talking about when it comes to morality was a complete and blatant lie

Morality doesn’t matter the Religious Right.

Power does.

It’s okay to admit that.

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All you ever do is squawk on about Bill Clinton - he has not been President for 18 years and he was last elected 22 years ago. There are now people voting who were not even alive in 1997.

You constantly deflect to Bill Clinton yet fail to see the same moral failures in Trump.

I have to ask is it truly a failure for you to comprehend what Trump is or do you allow conservative right wing media to do your thinking? I ask this in all seriousness because all your posts are regurgitated talking points from the likes of Hannity, Levin and Breibart. This is not a personal attack but an observation on the posts you make.

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The only persons morality that I have to worry about is my own.
Today most of the left have shown themselves to not be the defenders of woman.
Most of the left have been exposed as being complete and blatant liars by defending Biden. Woman don’t matter to most of the left. They just use them and throw them under the bus if they happen to have a problem with unwanted touching.
This is all about power for them.
It’s ok to admit that the left are only using woman.

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Yes I’m ok with someone touching the back of someone’s head and then saying hey that’s not cool more than I am holding them against a wall and grabbing their crotch. One I would maybe even vote for.

My problems with Biden start at the Anita Hill hearing, and for that business I will probably not vote for him in a primary should he run. But I sure as ■■■■ will vote for him over that dude who either thinks women are “first rate ■■■■■■ or “fat” or “ugly”. NO COMPARISON and this attempt at assasination via concern trolling is ■■■■■■■ laughable.


The concern trolling is getting old.

The Religious Right haven’t inserted themselves into politics to worry about just their own morality. That is a demonstrably false argument to make.

The Religious Right is in it for the power. And that is a fine motivator… just don’t hide behind moral platitudes when the game has been exposed by support for an amoral shibboleth.

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Trump raped his own wife please stop

Too bad this isn’t true. Ivanka later said that what she said was taken out of context.

What context makes rape OK?

She said that the last time they had relations she did not feel like he loved and cared about her. That he made her feel unloved. The rape part was made up by people with an agenda.

No thats not true. She specifically used the word rape is a sworn deposition. Only years later did she make a statement to lessen the effect of the statement, mostly likely due to monetary pressure.

But excuse away.