🤣 Pelosi Has Lost Her Mind

She has completely lost her marbles. She needs to be committed.


The criteria for “courageously defending democracy and freedom” are simple–blindly following the dictates of deep-state overlords.

Within hours of a letter from “former national security officials”, Biden’s twitter account announced that he was retiring from the race. This story sounds a lot like the Biden-laptop gag order in October 2020.

Biden’s decline has been obvious for years. If the leadership of the Democratic Party cared a whit about democracy and freedom, they would have encouraged Biden to leave the race last year and allowed voters to participate in real primary contests. Instead, they waited and staged a coup to remove Biden, ignored 14 million primary votes, and allowed the deep state and billionaire donors to pick Biden’s replacement.


The media believes he’s the greatest president since George Washington. Nevermind the bonafide conspiracy of Democrats that deliberately misled the American public about his condition.


Perhaps that is because the media were complicit in the conspiracy to remove Trump and install Biden.




That’s an absolutely perfect caricature of the clowns who have run our country into the ground.


Let’s see if this thread is consistent with the one below. :sunglasses: :wink:


Add all the marbles between the two and there wouldn’t be enough to play a game of them. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Isn’t that the same media that was bragging about his mental cognizance?


Him and Trump!


She’s been hitting the rocks with Hunter.

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No one needs to be added to Mount Rushmore as its perfectly fine as it is as the Presidents represent the birth, growth, development and preservation of the United States.

We dont need to be adding any other Presidents to it, now or in the future.

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I thought the left was going to blow up Rushmore. They need to make their minds up.

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Uhm… what the ■■■■■■

Maybe Biden should have his face on his own mountain. We could call in Mt. Douchemore!

The only thing missing are the puppet strings.

The deep state and billionaire donors are the real players. The elected government is basically a puppet theater.

Well , the wokies won’t go for it obviously.

Something something acknowledge stolen Native American land something something five straight cisgendered men something something social justice heteronormative supremapatriarchy .

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Biden isn’t allowed anywhere near my avatar.


They don’t believe it.

They just hope we will. :roll_eyes:

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Pelosi hasn’t had a mind for some time.

Goes without even saying Biden doesn’t.