🤣 Pelosi Has Lost Her Mind

Don’t worry, Obama would never allow it to happen. If anyone is to be added to Mt. Rushmore, it will be him. :smirk:

no one installed Biden, he won the most EV votes in the 2020 election.


just hyperbole. when trump does it, he gets lionized.

pelosi does it, commitment in the near future.



Honestly, I feel like she was trolling. Looks like it worked.

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Kinda looked like an “installation” when they shut down the city and surrounded it with over 30,000 National Guard and had him take the oath in front of no crowd aside from loyalists and office holders.

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gotta keep the J6 lowlifes from spoiling the inaguration.


possibly since trump belongs up there with Biden


Oh…and when did you decide to turn against Biden. Lemme guess…when the sheople troughs fed it?

Yep. Regurgibleated like a true sheople. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:


How predictable.

trump offered up National Guard and it was repeatedly refused.

biden needed “protection” to be installed.

See the difference??

No need to answer.


Pelosi is a lying hag. That witch hasn’t lost her mind she knew exactly what she was saying.

“ Pelosi also reemphasized that she wasn’t part of any pressure to get Biden to leave the race.

“No, I wasn’t the leader of any pressure [campaign],” Pelosi told CBS. "Let me say things that I didn’t do: I didn’t call one person. I did not call one person. I could always say to him, ‘I never called anybody.”

Sure Nancy…you just had your surrogates make the calls.

People like pelosi, Biden, Schumer, that Democrat slime has been running a scam for decades. Whether it’s the influence peddling or the insider trading they’ve made themselves rich powerful people by milking the system for decades.

San Fran nan saw the writing on the wall…ole Joey was gonna screw up the gig and lose. Couldnt let that happen.

Mt Rushmore and a consequential presidency my ass. You disgust me Nancy…this is why we need term limits.


100% correct.

The Democrat party is nothing more than a home for Jurassic park era power brokers giving lip service to “democracy” while they try to hold on to their highly profitable positions of personal influence.


biden was. middling POTUS.


WAIT Pelosi has a mind?
And here all this time. :crazy_face:


Kind of what I was thinking. :rofl:

Thanks, Kristi Noem.

Pelosi is in her last years of being a person of political consequence…

She’s a lying hag in it for herself.

America is not better off because of the “service” of that woman.


^^^^^ and this is supposed to make sense? ^^^^^^^^^

…only to a Brandonite.

You nailed it. That’s what trolls do, and Nancy is the queen of trolls.

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Nah … Then we wouldn’t have Nancy to kick around anymore.

(Apologies to Richard Nixon. :wink: )

Still bitter she’s one of the greatest speakers in history. I get it. Dems feel the same about McConnell.

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