Pelosi and the Dumbs want 16 year olds voting

When I was on the campus of the University of Maryland, 1980-90s, I knew the country was headed for troubled times.


The unavoidable truth is, the Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s socialist plan for “free” college tuition will be paid for by taxing millions of college graduates who worked for and paid their own way through college and are now trying to finance their own economic needs.

When have times ever not been troubled?

Obviously the sole basis for wanting this is that Pelosi believes (probably based on polls) that people from 16 to 18 would tend to vote more for Democrats. It is just an attempt for that one last Democratic vote.
Lets not try to make up some philosophically based reason for this. It is just one more power grab.
It fits in nicely with wanting non US citizens to vote.

I see contemporary American history is not your friend, or perhaps you have a strange definition of “troubled times”.


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez claims to be an advocate of hard working people living in the Bronx. If that is so, why is she not advocating an end to the unconstitutional “Temporary Victory Tax” of 1943, which began federal confiscation of the bread which working people have earned by the sweat of their labor?

Humor me. I was homeschooled by PBS. When have times not been troubled?


These kids today cant even pass high school or college by the looks of the new news of the college schemes going on, and the Democrats want them to vote, LMAO, God help us, I raised 3 16 year old’s, Never, means Never should that be allowed, lol
All most all of them have be indoctrinated by the lefts twisted ways, like I said, its a reach for more people, because their party is falling apart at the seams, imho… TRUMP TRAIN WOOT WOOT

If you can date trump you should be able to vote? No, nevermind.

Thank you so very much for the assistance!

It was quite helpful in giving me a point to start a background on what Speaker Nancy Pelosi said in that Austin Texas press conference where she rolled out along with Congressman Lloyd Doggett and Texas advocates H.R. 1, "the For The People Act:*

She did speak of newcomers to America, that she most certainly did, but in context she couched those “newcomers” in historical terms.

Not at any time did she advocate for non citizens ineligible to vote to not have their votes suppressed.

I was able, thanks to your submission, seek and find a FULL transcript of Speaker Pelosi’s comments in Austin and as well to find a pdf file of the full text of H.R. 1.

With both of those I was able to definitely determine that at no point in time did Speaker Nancy Pelosi advocate for ineligible residents without Constitutional voting rights in our country to be able to vote.

Actually the complete opposite is the case.

So I shan’t be too worried about Speaker Pelosi and her “newcomers” comment since in context she was speaking about those who came here and became Americans and in turn helped make America greater for their presence.

In a broader sense would Speaker Pelosi see legal immigrants and illegal immigrants who wish to stay have some path option available to becoming citizens and thus eligible to vote?

I believe she would.

So would I, since it is stone cold obvious to me we are not about to round them all up and ship them out, which is what I have always supported doing.

Elvis Presley could’ve been my uncle, one of my aunts dated him before he went into the army, He married Pricilla when he got out though…FACT
If I find the pictures of them together, I’ll try to post them

I would think the 2018 mid-terms were a sign that they were winning.
Its a shame that you think that more voters is a bad thing. It must suck to disagree with the democratic ideals of the country one lives in.

It always is.

Give us the child for 8 years and it will be a Bolshevik forever.
Vladimir Lenin

So your aunt was having sex with the King. Fact. She must have, otherwise he couldn’t ever have been your uncle. Who’s your aunt seeing these days?

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I thought cons are having the most kids fertility wise. It seems they would come out best in this if what they say about kids voting as there parents is accurate.

Lets see at 16 the left think your old enough to have an abortion, vote, drink, smoke marijuana be drafted but your not mature enough to buy a gun.

If you are an adult then you should be entitled to all the privileges and obligations that come with being an adult. I personally think 18 is the right age.

Good point what with us all bein gay and having all the abortions and such.

I say cons confidence in the voting prediction of their young’uns is not as solid as they would have us believe. :wink:


When we had teenagers we had a too large to miss fridge magnet that read:

Hurry up and move out while you still know everything!


The Boston Tea Party was motivated by taxation without representation. I object to 16 year olds being allowed to vote for the exact opposite reason; representation without taxation.