Paychecks bounce, leaving Kentucky coal miners at bankrupt Blackjewel in a bind

It could be that over a million people die from pollution related illness every year in China.

America should totally model themselves after China a country in which people have to wear mask when walking outside.

Libs want to imitate Chinese authoritarianism goverment. Envoy of lib utopia.

who are these libs you keep talking about because no one is saying that.

Ya there in bad shape add to that list they have family there and some can’t leave because they take care of their parents and grandparents. Black lung is horrible and a lot of miners who went to the mines even as young as 16 are suffering from it.

Healthcare is one of the first thing that is cut in term of funding in communities when budget start shrinking, even in Canada were we have universal healthcare the first thing on the chopping block is healthcare funding.

helping sick people simply isn’t good business its a money sink.

personal I don’t think the concept of money should even be talked about when talking about healthcare, its a right and should be covered I don’t care if it 1$ or 1,000,000$

You see that interview from Luis Alvarez (9/11 responder) in front of Congress dude had 53 chemo treatment and the government dragged their foot to pay for every single one of them.

The days I tend to lean left on healthcare. In my perfect world we would go back to private healthcare when insurance was cheap and little government involvement.

That being said I know they will never go back to that system so what we have now is the worst of both worlds heavy government involvement as well as the insurance companies. So at this point Medicare for all sounds at least better than the current system that involves insurance premiums never seen before as well as skyrocketing healthcare costs. Half the country literally scared to go to the Dr. as it will break them.

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Not much of an important one.

Will Trump campaign on bringing back coal jobs or will he ignore them since he clearly failed on that campaign promise?

Trump will claim he brought back coal jobs and his supporters, even the out of work coal miners, will believe him.


Sadly, this is spot on.

Of course no Trump loyalist would ever question what Trump said versus what the true outcome was. Loyalists will simply spin or twist to make themselves feel better about how truly magnificent Trump is.

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I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m getting exhausted from all this winning. Can we take a break from winning for a while?

Can you expand upon this? I am in interested to know on what factual basis you came to this conclusion. You throw out these glib statements on a regular basis but never expand upon them.

Which illustrates why it is more of a cult following than a political one.

Welp, if a Democrat wins in 2020, maybe Trump loyalists can go back to crying that America is terrible.

Then there will be no more wins, just whines.

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They have satellite TV. Probably a big flatscreen inside. I see lots of children’s toys. Is she a single mother? Expensive jeans and a nice hairstyle. 2 pets.

These people are poor because they’re just irresponsible.


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Don’t say you weren’t warned -

I hope they don’t show up for work on Monday. Then they’re just suckers working for free.

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Huh? Can’t read your TelePrompTer? :slight_smile:

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Trump is trying to fight market forces on this one.

You know it and I know it.

Dirty coal v clean gas.

It’s a no Brainer, except in trump land.
