Paychecks bounce, leaving Kentucky coal miners at bankrupt Blackjewel in a bind

Apple, like nearly every other international technology company in the world, gets the overwhelming percentage of its power from cheap, plentiful, reliable coal and almost none from expensive, unreliable solar and wind. The Truth About Apple's '100% Renewable' Energy Usage

That link is an opinion piece with a lot of unsubstianted claims. I doubt that “evidence” would stand up in court.

I understand logic isn’t strong suit for libs but China built it’s entire industrial base off of coal.

You think they run large manufacturing plants off of wind or solar? :rofl:

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China is the leader in the production and ownership in patents of renewable energy technology.

Something that the US should be… but we stuck with coal.

That doesn’t change the fact on the ground now does it? China sells America solar panels and wind turbines while they use coal for power to make em.

Again…do you know how much energy it take to run a robotic an automated plants…under environmental controlled area?

Doesn’t change the fact that it should have been the US that dominates that market.

But we don’t.

Because global warming isn’t real so why invest in new power generation technologies.

Guess who did. And who now owns that market.


We got started what 70 years before China and what’s our excuse? Stupidity?

That will add insult to injury for those coal miners.

What’s up with Trump’s IRS? When is he going to institute extreme auditing and catch those gaming the system?

China also emits more emissions from primarily coal than the EU and the U.S. combined. They aren’t slowing down. I am with you guys on trying to wean off fossils but China is no example to follow. They open a new coal plant each week.

All the more reason that the US should have heavily invested in new power generation technology… but we didn’t

So here we are.

The US and the UK also built their industrial bases on coal.

China has announced plans to substantially reduce reliance on coal. They, like everyone else, are following the money.

Trump got mileage out of claiming Obama had a war on coal but the pace of the decline of coal usage has accelerated under Trump. Trump is outdoing Obama because in Trump’s war he is seizing coal’s airports.


I heard that just to slap down the green new deal and tap into the coal airport resource Trump has DARPA working on a coal-powered airplane.

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I heard that the contract to build the coal powered plane has been outsourced to China Aerospace, and that Ivanka is designing an on-board spa.


While the article sort of focused on Apples data centers it did make assumptions of their overall power consumption. Apple is a worldwide corporation. They draw their power from many sources. The bulk of their manufacturing is based in China and of course it is going to be coal based. That is beyond their control. If you look at their Bay Area operations they have done massive conversations to green energy.
I think that the article is ingeniousness.

I think Trump should really show all those socialist libs who’s boss. He should have the government buy all the coal mines and subsidize their salaries to make sure all those miners will always have jobs. I bet those socialist libs would go crazy seeing good old GOP free market capitalism and thousands more coal jobs to go with it!


It’s really sad to drive through that area, about 10 years ago a friend and I drove coast to coast in a rental car from Seattle to Miami, then flew back. We drove through parts of eastern Kentucky and West Virginia. The white privilege passed this part of the world up.


Ya and pollution is killing people who live next to those factories.

Its horrible when your town whole economy is built on a single industry (coal, lumber, etc) and that industry or factory goes under.

people who can move away do but not everyone can and you get a lot of people stuck in poverty because they can’t (lack of money, sick family, etc) leave.

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the government both State and Federal need to look at communities like this and be like what kind of industry can we support here is the land good for farming, lumber, could we build factories, etc, then you invest in the community and build it up people will start moving back, incomes will rise, etc.

Have you ever been to China? I have been going there since the late 70’s and can talk about their energy structure. And I see their willingness to join the Paris agreements. Something that Trump sold out on.