Pay for your virtue!

Keep trying.


Not bad.

There is little logic to arguing that the burden falls onto people who have not gone to college when by averages they earn less and pay less in taxes over their lifetime.

It is an appeal to emotion that is disconnected from reality.

Well that’s interesting.

By a margin of 59% to 32%, Americans agreed that Biden’s student-loan forgiveness plan “is unfair to those whose children are not in college or who have already paid for their kid’s education to have to pay for other people’s education.” Another 8% called themselves “unsure.”

This is I&I/TIPP polls.


Yeah, but there is only cursory connection between revenue and expenditures for Congress. Deficit spending is their motto.

Yes who doesn’t love infinite deficit spending! :crazy_face:

The reality is that it doesn’t matter how much they make or how much they pay in taxes. The point is, those lower income (on average) folks are paying for a benefit for people who willingly took on private debt supposedly to better themselves and improve their earning potential. Now (some of them) are complaining that they aren’t making enough money (poor choice of their major?) to make payments on that debt. It is undeniable … this scheme uses public money to pay off private debt of people who took on the debt so they could make more money. Now they get the “more money” and send the bill to you and me. Why you think that is acceptable, is beyond me … well, unless you are personally benefiting, that is.


Having an educated and skilled populace is a net benefit to all.

Making it so people’s lives are less crappy I pursuit of that is something that I support.

The “bill” that is sent is a pittance compared to all of the other things that the Federal government spends resources on… a lot of which I don’t agree with that funding.

But that is how we operate and continue to operate in this country.

I just wish that people would stop pretending that they are somehow special because they pay taxes.

No one is special.

That is some ignorant reasoning. They took those loans to make more money for themselves. You are saying having poor people pay for it so they can make more and pay more in taxes is a good thing. All the while the poor are out money they certainly could use.


Blah blah blah… poor people have to pay for bombs that blow up distant villages. Poor people have to pay for banks that suffered zero consequences for crashing the world economy. Poor people have to pay for this and that.

Don’t pretend that being a taxpayer makes one special.

Your solution is let poor pay everything.

We all knew the left was saying they supported the little guy.

Bookmarked for next time you try and use “the poor”


In a popularity contest, Santa Clause always wins.


The “poor pays for everything” is a false dilemma.

I could take this more seriously if the GOP did things to make corporations pay for their mistakes… but they don’t…. Their mistakes get socialized.

GOP is not in charge of anything. But lift that skirt and show more of your hypocrisy.


Yes, an educated society is good for the society. But you are totally ignoring the point that those individuals, presumably in an attempt to improve their personal status in that society willingly took on private debt to accomplish that end. Now they want everyone, including all of those people who did not receive any boost in earning potential, and everyone who made the personal financial sacrifices to either pay directly for their education or who fulfilled their obligation to pay off their loans, to cover their personal debt. As you said … No one is special.

Why don’t you admit where you’re really going with this … free secondary education for all.


Don’t pretend that being a deadbeat about paying off your personal debt makes you special either.


I am sure that when they are in charge again that the complaints of the socialization of corporate losses will be addressed to address the inequity of a plumber paying bonuses to a CEO who crashed the world economy.

I would but you wouldn’t. You have already proven you rather see the poor pay.