Pay for your virtue!

Not raining where you are, so I don’t need an umbrella. Bonkers.

No they won’t.


fauci do told

Marcuse's world

marcuse aliens


It was. To a T.

marcuse universities

In what universe would it make since to bring in millions that the majority don’t speak the language and will have to be payed for taxpayers do this at a time of record inflation and house prices. Not to mention the majority of Americans this is what they have. Almost every nation takes care of their populace before taking care of others there is nothing racist or xenophobic about it when this is the reality.

They are making us no longer a first world country. And I agree with the topic if you want it pay for it don’t take it from my tax-dollars I already have to pay insane amounts of property tax even though my children doesn’t attend public schooling. Now they want us to pay for illegals and just keep bringing them in this is going to backfire in a horrible way.

56% of Americans have $1000 in savings, what’s the answer bring in a million more that can’t afford it that’s some solid thinking right there. I would get it if they were bringing in rich people to create jobs but it’s the opposite.


They are building a new proletariat and creating the misery required for a revolution.



When 49% of the people do not pay income tax it skews any such poll.

“When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.” - Benjamin Franklin


You are drinking the tea. By the gallon.


I’m more a coffee guy.

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You have embraced the Marcusian World. Hook, line and sinker.

Oh yea… also the moon landing was faked and the world is flat.

Then why should they not pay for their education? Why should those who’s lack of education hurts their earning potential pay for the benefit of those who make more money? There is absolutely no logic to your argument.


The interesting (and beauty of it) thing is, you never even read a primary source. Just jumped right on ye ol’ bandwagon and danced to the Crit Overture.



Tax rates are rarely tied to expenditures. Their (our) taxes won’t necessarily go up, but the value of their dollars will go down.

That said, our taxes will go up in three years unless Congress extends the Trump cut, but that has nothing to do with the loan forgiveness scheme. And it certainly won’t undo the inflation caused by the out of control spending these last few years. We will not only net less money and it will be worth less as well. Let’s go Brandon!

Why would you quit? It’s working.

The barrel has to be refilled.