Paula White prays for miscarriages

And people wonder why I so doggedly support retention of the Blaine Amendments in the several States that have them. And adoption of Blaine Amendments in the several States that don’t.

Well according to you guys Trump is no real Christian anyway so she probably is not swaying him all that much. I am quite faithful to Catholicism and I actually believe that many leftists are demon possessed, but I can also tell you that I think this prayer is a bunch of hokey pokey. But it ain’t hurting anyone and I doubt that Trump is giving it near as much thought as you guys are., Its certainly no worse than Obama’s minister screaming God Damm America

Lets add that Islam is a malignant mutation of monotheism and it too should be shunned. Just saying.

Lol nice deflection.

I prefer “addendum”

Your comment had nothing to do with the topic at hand. “Weak deflection” is most accurate.

Says who. Are you the topic police? Did you read the post right before that one?

Half of the posts in this forum have nothing to do with the topics they appear under. Don’t start getting bunched up now.

How do you tell if someone is possessed by a demon

They love to sing Oh Canada

In French or English

It had nothing to do with the topic at hand. Your comment failed, deal with it.

No one, apart from you has alleged “satanic babies”. An emotive diversion from your inability to refute the substance of my argument.

I understand. If the baby miscarries, there is no bottom for the paedophiles to have their wicked way with. That upsets some people, but not me.

Well that escalated. :flushed:

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There are no babies in this predicament and Even if there were, this wacky lady’s prayers wouldn’t cause them to miscarry. You say this kind of rhetoric doesn’t hurt anything but we have maniacs in this very thread saying liberals are demon possessed. Talking about satanic cults is very dangerous for weak minded reactionaries. We see it in effect right here.

Anyway the point of this thread is girls ain’t sposed to talk at church. Or something.

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Republicans going full crazy.

Nah. They’ve always been nuts… They’re just not even trying to hide it anymore.

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You are making a lot of assumptions that others disagree with you over. If you can’t handle certain words being used, find a safe space and stay off discussion forums.

You are wresting the text from context. Paul was writing to a church where the women were behaving in an unruly manner in church, and where those women had been instructed to ask questions at a more appropriate time in a more appropriate manner, and not to speak in meetings. Presumably until they had developed some self-control.

Hence Paul says “your women have not been permitted to speak”. This is not a universal command to all churches.

Did the women of those other churches have to be given permission before they could speak? That seems implied.

Cite scripture that the Corinthian women were misbehaving in church.

Paul did not write–"your women* have not been permitted to speak"

The proper Greek- English translation of 1 Cor 14:34 is “the women in the churches let them be silent”