Pastor Wanted to Know the Truth About the Migrant Caravan. So He Joined It

I’ve said that for years. No one believed me.

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^^^^^^ Conservatives… listen to this. This is a Conservative saying this^^^^^^^


The democratic party of today would never elect someone like Bill Clinton. However, republicans would if he would only put a (r) by his name and talk about how Obama was born in Africa.

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Anyone who may have been able to able that claim, has been systematically shouted down during Trump’s run and presidency by their own party… and often the result is to simply proclaim they are really a “liberal”…

So yeah, morality is stacked one one side right now, by their own doing.

The scariest people IMO are those that claim to be moral. If it was true, it doesn’t need to be said by them. It’s shown on a daily basis and it’s your witnesses that speak for you.

Point to the posts here where that is happening. Oh that’s right. It’s not. You built a strawman to show how mightily you can knock them down. While also completely ignoring the reality of the here and now, and that Donald Trump of all people is the leader of the GOP. I mean, seriously. Donald Trump. It’s hilariously tragic. You are given your loyalty over to Donald freaking Trump. Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!!!

Things that make you say…hmmmmmmmmm…

This pic made me laugh out loud…


I’ve never given loyalty to Trump. Did I vote for him? Yes. Do I like everything he’s doing? No.

But hey, thanks for telling me about my own political beliefs. I guess you’re pretty judgmental.

It’s the simple truth that anyone who has opposed Trump based on his morality has been shouted down and/or dismissed.

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Yep. Absolutely. It shows just how low they’ve sunk.

Why would that make anyone say that? Or are you somehow suggesting Cynic is rationalizing and excusing behavior from Anthony Weiner? No, of course not. Which is what I replied to.

Now, go back to worshipping at the alter of immorality and unethical behavior by your leader. The man who you are partially responsible for by promoting him from the beginning. When all other conservative options existed, you decided to lay down with the man who is the epitome of immorality. Enjoy what you’ve brought upon the rest of us. Take pride in unleashing the current political environment. Well done.

If I could invent a pill for TDS, I’d…hide it. This is way tooooooo much fun. Happy Friday everybody…

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You still support and back him. I’ll let everyone else here judge people who continue to throw their support behind this man. Don’t blame me for your decisions to continue to remain complicit.

At this point, every single person who not only supports Trump, but that supports the GOP, when they remain sycophantic in their support of him as the leader of their party, deserves to be judged. They are showing that they condone and approve of being led by a man who literally is the living embodiment of the Seven Deadly Sins. Every. Single. One. Take pride in it. This is what you want. Own it. It is all you.


I support the GOP for a variety of reasons, to which democrats are completely antithetical. I will continue to support the GOP because Democrats don’t give a damn about gun rights, enforcing immigration, and many other issues. If democrats showed a willingness to support any of these positions, it would be easier to listen to them. But when they’re electing socialists (in his and her own words) and gun grabbers, and very few, of any are moderate. Why completely abandon everything I believe in because I don’t like the President and what he’s doing?

Is everything this black and white for you? It’s either one or the other?

Bill Clinton hearts this post.

No, not everything is this black and white. And I understand having policy beliefs and siding with one party over another based on such. But the behavior of Trump, what he has done to the GOP, exposing them for what they apparently have always been, has changed things in my opinion.

There is a struggle for the soul of the nation. Who we are. What we stand for. What we believe. That takes extreme precedence over policy issues right now. Maybe in a post-Trump world we can get back to policy being priority. But as a Christian man who believes in morality, the fight we face is so much more important.

Now, you can take a stand in the fight for our nation’s soul, or you can continue to pretend this current GOP will do a darn thing about the policy ideas you prefer. Which we both know this current crop of gutless wonders in the GOP have zero interest in governing.

So will you take a stand for the future of our nation? Or will you keep doing the same thing and expect different results? I’ve made my choice here. What’s yours?

Does he say whether or not they should apply at one of the 26 legal points of entry? Or is he okay with them crashing the borders and demanding that we accept them?

“The group Rogers is traveling with is heading toward the border town of Tijuana, Mexico, and likely won’t arrive for several weeks. Many of the migrants have family members who are already in the United States, while others want to get legal help in applying for refugee status.”

Refugees from what? Poverty? Rather than putting them on public assistance here, why not send them a check in their own countries?