Pastor Wanted to Know the Truth About the Migrant Caravan. So He Joined It

There is NO requirement in US statute that one apply for asylum at legal points of entry… NONE… The statute specifically states whether or not at a designated port of arrival…

Any alien who is physically present in the United States or who arrives in the United States (whether or not at a designated port of arrival and including an alien who is brought to the United States after having been interdicted in international or United States waters), irrespective of such alien’s status, may apply for asylum in accordance with this section or, where applicable, section 1225(b) of this title.

Do you attend church?

That’s fine. To the extent that they want to legally apply for asylum at ports of entry they are welcome to try and welcome to receive it if they are being singled out for persecution by their governments.
To the extent that they want to improve their lives economically and want special treatment because they decided to trek across Mexico, then they need to be sent home and wait in line with everyone else who would like to immigrate legally.

Do you really buy the RW propaganda about Democrats wanting to take your guns, and are for open borders?


I do believe many democrats are gun grabbers - as exhibited by their calls for action. There are very few that I would say are not- like Manchin.

For open borders- yes, some are. Every time there are calls for stronger immigration measure, all the democrats throw a ■■■■ fit.

Until the 2nd is changed or updated, people will always have the right to own a gun.
All Democrats want to do is regulate the sale of some guns, and have some sort of accountability of gun ownership.

Regarding the border, Democrats, and a handful of Republicans in the Senate passed immigration reform…but Bohner in the House refused to put the bill up for a vote, and it died. ( it had enough votes to pass).

So the party you keep supporting, keeps doing nothing. Except getting many to believe Democrats will take away guns, and open the border wide open.

It would be funny, if it was not so damn sad,


Yes “regulate.” In other words, prohibit sales of or make it so difficult the time and money required would be prohibitive.

We regulate guns now.
If you are not insane, not a felon, and are capable of owning a gun responsibly…own a gun. Own many guns.

The boogeyman that Dems want to grab your gun, is ridiculous.

That doesn’t seem to be an issue with the voting.

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That’s not the only hatred they’ll face and we know it.

How do we know this?

Because the caravans were painted as a band of unruly lawbreakers with hidden gang members and terrorists in their wake, being funded by a shadowy globalist cabal whose aim was the destruction of US sovereignty and American liberty which was a threat to the global elite.

All with absolutely ZERO factual evidence to back it up.

That many of you lapped this story up so easily without even a second of reflection on it speaks to an entirely different kind of fear and hatred.


There’s irony here. Can you find it?

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I used to. But the new pastor was always judging people on there commitment to Christianity which turned me off a bit. I though that he should deliver the word and leave the judgement to God. I may return someday.

My main concern is whether they crash the border or not. I think they should all apply at one of the 26 legal points of entry. And, we need to have a limit. We cannot accept the overflow from the entire third world. We certainly do not need anyone else on public assistance.

Look at the bright side. Those people probably won’t have time to post on political message boards all day.

My Spanish is pretty weak anyway.

Real Christianity makes the right downright angry these days; just go to church once a week and give 10% to build a nicer church, like a normal Christian… geeez


Well a whole lot of us Dems didn’t vote for either Edwards or Spitzer… and when their transgressions came to light, a whole lot more didn’t vote for them. They were voted out of office.

You guys put trump in office knowing full well about his behavior. And what about Sanford?

nobody touches Sneaky

Thats all fine and well… just stop throwing stones in glass houses.

He knew what he would claim to “find” before he went there. If he had found the caravan full of thieves and rapists, he would still be singing it’s praises.
A meaningless story.
How many of them did he lead to Christ?
As a preacher, that should be his only concern.