Overnight Millionaires - WOW - OMG!

This is an entirely criminal leftist con job, like all leftist con jobs.

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The historic struggle for free stuff because bad things happened once happened to people who looked like them.


Including forbidding ex post facto laws, for creating an entitlement for pay (and imposing an obligation to pony up) long after the fact of the events.

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This is not the final recommendation, that is expected in June of this year. This committee can recommend anything it wants but that does not mean it will become reality.

Talking of reality there is no way the city of SF can fund something that would cost them around 200 billion.

I object to a lot of things our government is doing but besides one vote…every two years…there’s not a whole lot I can do about any of their corrupt moves.

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I tend to agree that even they aren’t that stupid! But that has never seemed to stop LIBs in the past.

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They make it work for them like this.

“This is what we would do for you, if not for that racist white man’s Constitution”.

So, they get credit for trying and foster despite for the Constitution. Win and win!

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The expectation has been set.

California is majority Latino now, so that fight will be very interesting to watch! :popcorn:

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Meanwhile the only ethnic group its government sanctioned and socially acceptable to discriminate against are white people.

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More specifically, white males below a certain age.

How so?

Women and seniors are protected classes.

Not true. Discrimination is illegal against all races.

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Maybe on paper, but not in the real world.

Won’t help you applying to college.

Technically illegal

Actually illegal.

Not so sure about that, but will definitely help you in the workplace.

Or do you want us to post hundreds of stories from college campus alone? Because we can.

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