Overnight Millionaires - WOW - OMG!

Uh huh

Nah post the macro data.

Across the top 20 universities… what are the percentages

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No I think I will go the endless pieces of prima facia evidence route.


Evergreen State College enrollment plummeted after fallout from the controversial “Day of Absence” in May 2017 when all white people were asked to leave the campus.

Every time you respond to me in this thread you can have another.

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Oops I did forget Asians, you can be racist against them too.

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These anecdotes are meaningless in the grand scheme of college acceptance and attendance.

What does the collective data say?

from The stunning evidence of Harvard’s racism

The documents also show how Harvard discriminates. To counter Asians’ tendency to do extremely well on traditional measures (test scores, grades and extracurriculars), it routinely rates them lower on soft categories like “positive personality,” being “widely respected,” likability, kindness, etc.

An analysis by the plaintiffs’ experts of Harvard data on more than 160,000 applicants show how skewed the process has grown: A male Asian-American with a 25 percent chance of admission would have a 35 percent chance if he were white, 75 percent if he were Hispanic and 95 percent if he were black. (The legal brief didn’t outline a similar breakdown for females.)

Tsk tsk, not a good look Harvard

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You live in Ohio right?

“The enrolled student population at Ohio State University-Main Campus is 63.8% White, 7.52% Asian, 6.93% Black or African American, 5.3% Hispanic or Latino, 4% Two or More Races, 0.0668% American Indian or Alaska Native, and 0.0505% Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islanders.”

Whoops no advantage there.

You failed to show discrimination, black people like to attend HBCU’s. They don’t want to stuck in the middle of Ohio, that’s a white thing. Not many black people in my Ohio town either, not because we don’t welcome black people but because they choose not to live here. Can’t say I blame them, if I was black I would probably go for Atlanta or something. Long story short, disparate outcomes is not evidence of racism.

This is though.

from It's Time to Acknowledge Anti-White Racism | RealClearPolitics!

The definition of racism has undergone a radical change in a short time. According to the new eighth-grade curriculum for the Albemarle County (Va.) School District, racism now means: “The marginalization and/or oppression of people of color based on a socially constructed racial hierarchy that privileges white people.”

Perhaps the most jarring aspect of this new definition is that it is no longer race-neutral. It is now impossible, by definition, for white people to be the victims of racism. The definition itself constructs a “racial hierarchy” whereby only people of color may be victimized, and only “white people” may marginalize or oppress.

Look at the fine print … It’s in the form of gift cards at Walgreens. :wink:

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How so? The city of San Francisco does not hold the debt. The City would have to take it over or pay it off.

Uh … That cancer has been metastasizing for years. And not just from the tumor known as San Fracisco.

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It will be if this passes. :wink:

Yep. Particularly since Mexican Latinos have the most legitimate claim for reparations of any resident there. The Indians would, but thanks to the Spanish/Mexicans and the Gringo victors, they are virtually extinct.

The Chinese are probably paying attention too. :wink:

Only in employment.

Then why do you pretend to be black? :wink:


So, you agree, they are protected classes.

then how is the Japanese internment reparations constitutional?


20,000 bucks american and an apology.


A family member of mine just bought a huyara :grin:

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So Sean Taro Ono Lennon is half Japanese.
Neither of his parents lived in California nor even in the US then.
Should he get $10,000 and half an apology?

I have some mixed blood (native American) blood and my son is half Chinese
should I pay less-than a full share and my son pay less-than half?