Over a 1000 New Democrat voters departed Honduras new caravan

Her constituents seem to like her as mayor, she was reelected last November…


Quite the leap isn’t it. Thousands of immigrants to arrive and they will all be Democrats. Wow…paranoia is strong here.

Sure, as long as the caravans, after they realize what they are doing doesn’t work, keep doing the same thing. And as long as, once they realize it is a fail, decide to go home instead of get in elsewhere illegally.

Once they learn to…(gasp) go around!

All of the data points toward a wall being a stupid idea…but yeah I’m the sheep :laughing:

The “crisis” Obama spoke about in that video has to due with the very real influx of unaccompanied minors from South America. In no way was he proposing to build a wall, he was making a plea for bipartisan support in order to improve our immigration system in a way that would help these kids.

But in the end we know how that turned out, Trump got Republicans yelling “wall” and they have gone down hill ever since.

The Border patrol chief thinks the “data” points towards a wall being a benefit to our security.


Of course, if you want to balance that against Pelosi’s expertise…

And yet, illegal border crossings are at all time lows, over half of illegal immigration results from visa overstays and the majority of drugs get smuggled through points of entry…yeah a 2000 mile wall along the border is a brilliant idea. :joy:

It almost sounds like, she wants to keep her job…

“We already have many miles, over 600 miles of barrier along the border. I have been in locations where there was no barrier, and then I was there when we put it up. It certainly helps. It’s not a be all end all. It’s a part of a system. We need the technology, we need that infrastructure,” she added in the interview that aired Thursday.

The ones who applied for asylum are in El Paso, tx and other American cities where they will wait until their asylum case is heard.


Yes but is it cost effective as opposed to other means that stop illegal borders crossings where there are few people.


The data point IS the sheople food that you’re being fed while ignoring the border professionals’ advice who want the wall, which are the border agents.

You mean this?

“We already have many miles, over 600 miles of barrier along the border. I have been in locations where there was no barrier, and then I was there when we put it up. It certainly helps. It’s not a be all end all. It’s a part of a system. We need the technology, we need that infrastructure,” she added in the interview that aired Thursday.

Yeah that’s hardly a definitive statement for a wall. Bottom line all the facts point towards a 2000 mile wall along the southern border to be a stupid idea. What is a border wall going to accomplish exactly?


Obama was right about a crisis on the border…

Where’s Nancy? What’s her solution?

Illegal immigration has been decreasing, so what wer’re doing now works.

You mean the crisis he spoke about in the clip?

Yeah…he was not saying what you think he was saying…

Yeah…you can choose to discern that the real way or your sheople way…which is baaaa, baaa, baaad.

I can choose? Her words are clear as day…here is another for you

We should be listening to those on the border right?

Why would they listen to the border patrol it takes away their narrative of “Open Borders”.
Hillary herself said “My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders”.

There dream is to turn the U.S. into the U.N. That’s why they are so upset over the Brexit vote they don’t want any disagreement with their idea of one world utopia.

Nope wrong

And here is what the Border Patrol Chief said…

“We already have many miles, over 600 miles of barrier along the border. I have been in locations where there was no barrier, and then I was there when we put it up. It certainly helps. It’s not a be all end all. It’s a part of a system. We need the technology, we need that infrastructure,” she added in the interview that aired Thursday.

Texas Republican Will Hurd who’s district covers 800+ miles of border called the crisis a “myth”

So what else do you got?

offtopic- Every time I see someone’s wiki left open I want to add this video.