Operation Prosperity Guardian in Red Sea

“As long as it takes” will become “as long as we can” once reality becomes impossible to ignore.

Biden Shifts on Ukraine, Says US Will Support 'As Long As We Can'

The bloated and corrupt military-industrial complex has been a scam on an epic scale.

The fact that the US is losing a war of attrition with the Houthis is proving that.

–SixFoot, November 7th, 2020 :sunglasses:

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There is nothing factual about your statement. You are simply expressing your uninformed opinion.

Yes, I know that many people have trouble with math. The US on track to run out of missiles just fighting the Houthis.

The Pentagon says that it is purchasing ~140 missiles per year. It has already used 100 since operations started near Yemen, which corresponds to a rate of 400 to 600 per year. That means that the net loss is roughly 250 to 450 missiles per year.

Of course a real war with Iran or even Hezbollah could wipe out any remaining stocks long before the US could ramp up production.

What are you suggesting Bill? That we should be buying our ordnance from Iran and North Korea?

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I’m not one of them. Your problem is that you make a lot of unfounded assumptions, while having no earthly idea of what your are talking about.

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Doesn’t that assume that the starting number is zero on Jan 1

The number of ships getting hit has only increased since the US and UK started bombing Yemen.

The Houthi attacks on commercial shipping associated with Israel have been in direct response to the attacks in Gaza that have killed thousands of children. Instead of using diplomacy to end this mess, the US recently vetoed yet another security council resolution to impose a ceasefire to end the killing.

The US is exhausting its limited stocks of missiles in a losing effort to support the right of Israel to kill civilians with impunity. How does this policy help America?

Broken record. :crazy_face:

Broken policy.

That is simply your opinion. :wink:

Biden agrees with me.

He admitted that his broken policy will not stop attacks on shipping, but US airstrikes will continue.

Well, that confirms it then. :stuck_out_tongue:

Between his blatant lies and incoherent mumbling, Biden has a habit of bragging about his cringeworthy “accomplishments”.

Sometimes he even does it in advance.

I’m confused. Are you identifying with Biden now? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Biden must take some sort of perverse delight at the idea of bombing Yemen for years to come with no attainable objective in sight. He can’t help but brag about it.

It must be a compulsion, just like he can’t help but lie about his past whenever there is an opportunity. He has been doing that for decades.

And yet you found it necessary to say “Biden agrees with me.” :wink:

He did not admit that his policy was broken. You simply made that up.

You seem to have a perverse delight in making stuff up out of thin air.

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So what’s up with German frigate firing two missiles at American drone in Red sea? Both missiles failed.