Open the schools!

Every case of the school year crud will be blamed on the kung flu this autumn.

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Nov 4th…that’s when K through 12 will start. That’s providing libs don’t start a actual war.

Sneaky disagrees because he saw one picture of Fauci with the mask pulled down. Watch, he will post it again for the 80th time. It’s his evidence.

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I can say that the schools in my area thus far have had surprisingly good results. Very few cases thus far has them switching to normal schedule from A/B split schedule in a week. Hopefully the low case count continues.

My 22 year old daughter decided to stay home for the start of her SR. Year. She has done so on her own. No help from dad. She did not want to be in a dorm. She has rearranged her classes to be done on line, and has even secured an internship locally. At least I know she’s safe.

Same here so far. Our son’s school has been back for a week, but we live in a pretty small community with not a lot of community spread. The school did have to do a robo call warning parents about kids hanging out in the student parking lot mask free after school though. :exploding_head:

But that’s just the problem. The school year crud is not crud until you know it’s not covid.

I agree that social distancing, hand washing, coughing into a sleeve and use of cloth face coverings “slow the spread” temporarily.

I disagree that government can make any one do it. As was clearly shown by Fauci’s inability to follow his own rules. Of course Fauci obviously chose to violate his own rules of both social distancing and cloth face coverings because of Trump tweets.

I wonder how long we expect to live like this to “slow the spread”? Slow it until what? A Magic Bullet?

I can go on indefinitely if Congress passes a UE relief bill. Happy to in order to “save lives”. But I’m a Giver, it’s what I do.

I doubt young people will.

I will not be treating the sniffles as kung flu.

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“Sneaky believes…”

Now there’s a recipe for a successful post.

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Most people will and most schools have the policy in place to do so, regardless. Even at my office job we have policies in place.

That’s nice. We would know if they have the crud well before anyone else can accuse them of having the Lung Pow.

Well that is good news…We shall have to keep an eye on things in the coming weeks.

I wonder what we will say in 5 years when a study by experts determines prolonged use of cloth face coverings causes “Lint Lung” or some other morbidity akin to asbestosis? Especially in children and teens.

Or teen suicide goes through the roof?

Will we pat ourselves on the back for “slowing the spread”?

If they even show up with the sniffles, or a sore throat, or a fever, they are sent home. They stay home until they get verification that it is not COVID…They also end up quarantining those who have been in direct contact with the child. Usually those who sit around him within 6 to 10 feet.

Children should not be sent to school with symptoms even if it isn’t 'Rona. Flu kills children.

What are you on about? Surgeons spend hours in surgery every day, and don’t end up with “LINT LUNG???”

Do you have any kind of medical data that supports this…or are you just making a hypothesis?

Who the hell sends their kids to school with a soar throat, sniffles, or a fever? :rofl:

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Exactly…My wife is a first grade teacher and you would not believe what parents do so they can go to work?

Parents that have to go to work or lose their job.