Open the schools!

That’s terribly selfish parenting.

Despite myths to the contrary, surgeons do not spend “hours in surgery every day”. They are starting pitchers, pitching 2 or 3 days a week.

And the vast majority of the work is done by others. They only do the critical cutting.

School is a free babysitter for contagious kids? I see a cottage industry on the rise.

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Already happening from the looks of the trending Mary Sue memes on Facebook.

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Come on Sneaky with this argument the frontline health care workers in NYC should be developing lint lung by now.

I am thinking college girls who decided to take online classes only.

They can learn good mothering skills and make a little money.

You know, before having children of their own after they get married.

Kind of a 'Rona Home Ec OJT.

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Oh ■■■■ !

And so it begins…

Think what this would do for the morale of the boy patients.

BTW, Trump’s son’s and grandkid’s schools are not open.

More things to buy for the things people were forced to buy.

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“Prolonged use of N95 and surgical masks by healthcare professionals during COVID-19 has caused adverse effects such as headaches, rash, acne, skin breakdown, and impaired cognition in the majority of those surveyed.”

A N95 mask isn’t the same as a cloth mask. I was fortunate that I had a dozen of them in my workshop before all the shortages hit. They do suck to wear for sure.

:grin::sweat_smile::rofl::joy: Good one Sneaky! +1 for you.

She’s safe.

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and surgical masks
and surgical masks
and surgical masks

You bring up a good point. What are most of the gen pop wearing? Good question.

Surgical masks, real ones, are designed with certain characteristics - lint-free or at least low lint for example. One of the reasons they cost more.

Cotton cloth was advertised as “sufficient” by the Fauci Force somewhere. Cotton can be made temporarily lint-free, but not for $3 a pack of 10.

But I am focusing on lint to the exclusion of other possibilities.

Were we designed to breath through cloth while conducting our daily activities? Coat our hands with a 70% Isopropyl Alcohol gel 20 times a day?

To stay at least 6 feet apart at all times? To not be able to recognize facial expressions?

Looking through the thread, it appears we have at least two anecdotal accounts of thus far successful openings. I know it’s early, but wouldn’t it be something if…

Are you omitting asymptomatic and therefore undiagnosed co-morbidities?

I saw nothing about lint Lung though Sneaky? Where is that adverse effect?

If I had to stay home, I had two or three back ups. .always. I never was forced to go to school sick. Today…parents don’t have back ups. And then they cry because they have to stay home.

They won’t advertise or search for anyone to babysit.

When I stayed home sick from school, the rules were never answer the phone or door. Ramen noodles were in the pantry. :man_shrugging:

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  1. He didn’t limit it to Lint lung
  2. Has it been 5 years yet?