Open Borders bill

When utilizing ADTs, court appearance rates are above 99%. This an irrational concern.

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Is that different than what we currently have? Does that mean that doing nothing is ensuring ā€œopen bordersā€?

I actually feel bad for you if youā€™re not paid to post here.

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You keep claiming that you feel bad for me. I obviously donā€™t believe you, but in any case you probably have more to worry about than my feelings. :+1:

More mouth frothing from the resident hyperbole master.

Trump only lies to own the libs so itā€™s cool.

You mean that only Libs recognize Trumpā€™s lies for what they are, right?

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If you have an estimated 12+ million illegals in your country you have no borders or at the very best they are worthless.

Something like 30 or 40% of undocumented people in this country are visa overstays.

I kinda hope it is an outright lie. Then Libs will be put on notice that if they are gonna lie about us, we will fight fire with fire. There is no high road when fighting vermin.

I believe this is an MLK line.

Any criticism of trump no matter what it is=trump hating.

Does not enforcing our immigration laws equate to ā€œopen bordersā€? Absolutely. If you donā€™t enforce your laws then you might as well do away with immigration lawsā€¦i.e. open borders.

Yep but the number from coming south of the border dwarfs the rest.

Just a few months ago CNBC of all places were showing how big of a problem we have on the border.

Only when itā€™s politically expedient. Remember a few weeks ago when they were whining about kids being in ICE detention camps? Babies dying in captivity? Because Republicans hate foreigners. Obviously.

Mindless criticism of Trump absolutely. The man can be an idiot at times. Even a broken clock is right twice a day though.

If you also notice, the article is pointing out failed border crossings resulting in apprehensions. In other words, theyā€™re up from the prior year because weā€™re actually enforcing immigration laws now so more people are being apprehended when attempting to cross the border illegally instead of merely turned around at the border like the previous administration was doing to make their numbers look good. It also shows that attempts to cross the border illegally are up from a year ago, not down. Another lie from the liberals trying to do away with enforcement of immigration laws.

Would you consider the current immigration enforcement and past enforcement ā€œopen bordersā€?

You seem confused. The ā€œpast enforcementā€ was lacking. The law is actually being enforced now. Hence the huge difference in the number of apprehensions on the border this year vs. last year as illustrated in the article that was just posted.

What? Where does the OP state that? Iā€™m confused?? Pffft.
Your statement seems very false to me.
Apprehensions in 2016 - 611,689
Apprehensions in 2017 - 341,061

What specifically do you think that Trumpā€™s team is doing differently than Obamaā€™s. I know they started this zero tolerance program but that practice of separating families has been widely shunned. What else is Trump doing to enforce the laws differently.

Before you answer, donā€™t forget that Obama still holds the moniker of ā€œDeporter in Chiefā€