Only Republicans Gerrymander

You do understand that this was to make District 11… which is all of Staten Island include Park Slope and Sunset Park in Brooklyn…. Right?

Operating in the shadows and tilting the playing field are where D do their very best work.

I know in PA we will be lucky to get a fair map from the SCOTSOP

I’m talking about the sum total of congressional districts.

It is driven by politics on both sides… maximize the number of districts carried. Race is mainly a pretense.

Looking at the sum total of gerrymandered districts racial makeup does not seem to be the dominant factor as opposed to voting habits.

You must be joking.


If anything, that district concentrates Orthodox Jews - more so than the previous district lines.

How is that “silencing” them?

No, I am not. What percentage of gerrymandered districts are gerrymandered utilizing race?

From what I see more districts are gerrymandered utilizing voting habits.

BTW your whole premise of the thread implies this… that R’s gerrymander on political affiliation rather than race. and D’s constrain them by labeling it race.

Meanwhile D gerrymanders on political affiliation.

The conclusion is that race is not the main component, but rather a weapon that favors D in some situations.

Yeah. The orthodox don’t live in those areas.

Quite funny.

It certainly does… nice and long, narrow, windy… perfect description of a non-gerrymandered district.

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Seems relevant.

Yet you approve of NY. Not surprised.

Why is a regularly-shaped district inherently more “fair” than a weird-shaped one?

Isn’t that the point of abolishing these maps, to get rid of specially carved districts to serve one particular party? It sure was for PA when the Dems were handed five free seats.

But oddly it won’t be for Maryland or NY… hmmm… which party is in control of those?

You’d have to ask someone who’s in favor of “abolishing these maps.” I’m not.

As for the legality of partisan gerrymandering, at least on a federal level, you can thank the conservative majority of the Court for making it undeniably legal.

If only there was a national law that would make such gerrymandering illegal.

There can’t be. Congress has no jurisdiction to pass such a law.

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Lol what? When have I ever commented on gerrymandering and NY?

Yeah…that is the part that is not being discussed.

Yes, both parties have gerrymandered.

The Republicans in 2010, after the census, took it to another level (much like what McConnel did with the filabuster/judges).

Some states did form independent commissions from both sides of the aisle.

Democrats would prefer gerrymandering go away, or change to all states using an independent commission. For the states where the R’s fight it…they have to play the game…or they get screwed.

Who came up with the southern strategy?
Do you remember Lee Atwater?

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I’m not implying it at all, I’m flat out saying it.

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Horse ■■■■

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