Only President Not To Achieve 3% GDP In Any Year

It’s a graph, but sure…

Percent stock market growth during current time of presidency:

Trump: 42.6%
Obama: 63.6%
GW Bush: -6.6%
Clinton: 69.7%

If the stock market is the measure being used for economic success, people were better off with Obama and Clinton. Doing better than GW though.

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thank you

it’s not. it is only part of the picture

and these kinds of statistics dont tell the whole story

You can go back in my post history and see that I have not changed my opinion

I’m glad the president don’t have the power some of people on this forum people think they have over the economy. The only thing the presidents can do is to get in the way of the economy whether it’s through business tax increases or trade deals other than that the Fed and markets control the economy.

Bottom line is if the Fed didn’t act in 2007-2009 with massive quantitative easing aka money printing a hell of a lot more businesses would have went out. Same with the Fed and the coronavirus.

Can’t believe a world pandemic with the remedy of people staying home to stop spreading the disease could have anything to do with this. Must be the President.

As has been pointed out, the pre-COVID economic data tells the same story. You can’t change the facts. You can only pretend they don’t exist.

Trump cannot fail. He can only be failed.


Then Trump bootlickers should have no worries about Trump defeating Sleepy Joe, right?

Yes, Trump will defeat your favorite Kid Sniffer this year. Thank you for playing. :hugs:

Trump worshiper tears will be delicious. Can’t wait.

Everything is going great right now… everyone will definitely want 4 more years of this. :joy:

How many times have the libs here posted “Thanks Obama”? during the Trump administration.


They don’t tell the story that you, personally, want to hear.

And after this dumpster fire of a Presidency that Donald Trump was, it really makes me appreciate the Obama years so much more. Thank you, President Obama!


somewhere around the number of posts here N - 1

The titanic was sailing so well, we all were having a wonderful time.



Kicking so much but he almost had results as good as Obama/Biden!

His campaign should run with that—“Give me four more years, I’m almost as good as the last guy!”


It’s not fair to blame Trump for an economic downturn resulting from a pandemic.

He, and his party, didn’t prepare the nation for the economic shock a pandemic would produce. When a storm is coming, you batten down the hatches so your ship won’t sink.

We will come back from this, but he could have prepared the nation better instead of calling the virus a democratic hoax.

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No one is blaming him for the virus. How he handled it is the issue. The buck stops where?

Trump has been one of the very few to keep talking about the economy and opening back up. Libs don’t want that. They want an economic disaster so they can attempt to blame Trump. You and this thread is the perfect example. How many times has Trump said, we don’t want the cure to be worse than the problem? Guess what it is that he’s focusing on, while lib governors continue to shut down their states.

Sacrificing the elderly was not something I had in mind, but that’s okay with the ‘new right’ I guess.

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