Only 7 republicans say they would not vote to remove Trump from office

Good boy

Maybe it would help him with Putin?

Oh you mean those investigations that took place under our government and not under a foreign government with aid dangled in their face?

It should hinge on Trump’s MOTIVES. Was he doing it to gain an edge in the 2020 election? If so, that is attempting to get a foreign official to directly interfere in a federal election. Not “endorse” someone or say something nice, but to literally interfere by being an active part in a smear campaign.

Sounds spooky, doesn’t it? Almost Halloweeny.
It really just means a President can choose anyone he wants to represent him.

And? Where best place to investigate what happened in Ukraine? Ukraine or Pittsburg?

What’s that supposed to mean? “Boy”?

Foreign government being bribed to open investigations into your political opponent, rather than opening an investigation through our proper channels


What if there were multiple motivations? Find out the truth…hope for a political benefit. You don’t think some of the people pushing the Russian collusion conspiracy theory wanted a political benefit?
You don’t think Schiff and Pelosi have politics in mind right now.?

Sounds like a Tom Clancey video game.

Who establish what is proper?
Got a statute?

The constitution, the house, the senate, the judicial. You know, basic civics.

Well, that certainly sounds…vague.

The truth is paramount of course. This is not the Russian collusion investigation, the is the Attempted Ukranian collusion investigation and there seems to be little doubt that it happened… The timing is also not in Trump’s favor, nor is his fat mouth and twitter fingers…

Well, I agree that the fat mouth and twitter fingers can harm him on this. Nothing much can stop those from working.

I genuinely feel for many Trump supporters who, in Trump, found someone who tries to take on some of our country’s biggest challenges: endless wars, immigration, trade inequities, careless foreign aid, etc., but simultaneously find him a terribly flawed leader and person.

I experienced this with Bill Clinton whom I voted for twice but despised personally.

It’s rough, for sure.

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It’s almost like we need an inquiry into what occurred to see if something illegal or highly unethical took place

It’s the beginning of the end or is it the end of the beginning I can’t remember :thinking:

Ruh Roooooh!

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Lol no.