One of many reasons not to want live in a liberal inner city?

[quote=“Eagle-Keeper, post:58, topic:239058, full:true”]

The Democrat’s policies aren’t perfect. I’m just not convinced the Republican’s would be any better if not worse and we seem to lack evidence proving that it would.

As I said. You could always simply look at the data from lib areas as compared to conservative one. Just follow the science.

I have no idea which inner cities are conservative run. I tried one, Jacksonville, FL… it has a GOP major, but the inner city still has a Democratic city council member, so that’s not a good guide. That took some time to track down, and I don’t have time to do that for every city… so it would be helpful if the right had some shining beacon on a hill that they could point to and be like, hey Dems, this is how an innercity should be run!

I’m having my doubts that there are any inner cities purely under Republican rule.

I thought Dems thought that was a good thing when Trump was in. I thought blind alegiance and cooperation with elected officials was a bad thing back then.

Or Colorado Springs. Half a million people.

Neither has an “inner city” like people think of when they say “inner city”. (Unlike Oakland. Minneapolis. DC. Or even Denver, just up the road from Colorado Springs.)

That’s the conspiratorial narrative created by the lot that fear patriots. “Far right”? Perhaps, but then again look at the ■■■■ we have running the goobermint that has demonstrated their recklessness with power.

Who exactly were the people that ratified the Constitution?

They were hard not to find on Jan 6.


Are we your personal Google? If you don’t know, may I suggest you do your OWN research?

I already know, but based on your post, to which I responded, it seems you might not.

Not all scholars by any means.

Order out of chaos. Create the problems, and then the government creates “solutions” that favor them. Hegelian Dialectic.


It sure would be nice if they could have a copy of the Constitution available for quick reference, but I’m pretty sure the FBI lists “having a copy of the Constitution” as a characteristic of domestic terrorists.

It’s amazing to see all these techies move to my small sea side town. They have doubled the property values. I do feel sorry for the renters. The techies are running away from crime and congestion. Sadly, most are too stupid to know voting for dems causes poverty, homelessness and crime…

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What conservative inner city would you like?

And what happens when BLM protests and there is no chaos and anarchy. How does that favor them? Since we had both last summer I would like to contrast.



More problems the better. Than the bigger and more intrusive government needs to be. The more the plans fail the more the planers have to plan. :crazy_face:


I personally miss Abilene, Texas.

**[quote=“Liberty323, post:73, topic:239058, full:true”]

Order out of chaos. Create the problems, and then the government creates “solutions” that favor them. Hegelian Dialectic.

Anarchy. Then socialism style “solutions”. You hit the nail on the head.


It doesn’t favor them, other than maybe for fund-raising. I’d say that protest was a failure, big picture wise.