"One nation under god and one religion under god"...Michael Flynn

I have not seen Bernie in Black Block throwing bricks.

Actual zoomer leftists/anarchists have no use for the Democrats.

They are owned by the corporate powers.

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some are likely catholic, some baptist, maybe a few anglicans and methodists

so what?

the core of blm are marxists black nationalists… does that make every idiot who marches with them those things?

people who claim to be anarchists that support leftist policies are confused. it is not possible to advocate no government and despotic authoritarianism at the same time.

They advocate for a version of America that is antithetical to most of our values. They have real power in the government

I would not vote for a Black Nationalist or a Marxist nor would I defend them.

Republicans vote and defend Dominionists all the time.

Leftist anarchism ≠ despotic authoritarianism.

That does not mean that I think that leftist anarchism is a real way to organize a large industrial society… but it isn’t authoriatarian.


“i would not”

“republicans do”

don’t democrats? fairly certain biden defended blm… did you vote for him?
lots of leftist congress critters have defended both blm and antifa… you support them.

why? could it be because you really don’t give a ■■■■ what the fringe says and like the policies you think you’ll get from democrats?

there is no such thing as “leftist anarchism”, the two terms are diametrically opposed. this is all a part of the dumbing down narrative of the american left. anarchy means no government. period. no government. not federal, not state, not local, not community. anarchy. a little government is too much. societal norms are too much. suggesting behavior is too much. the state of anarchy requires individual sovereignty. no government, no laws, no rules.

Well… in that you are wrong.

I mean… I hate to argue reality… but you are just plain wrong.

no, i am 100% absolutely correct. anarchy does not have degrees. it is an absolute. any authority is too much

No… you are wrong.

Leftest anarchism is based on mutual aid and shared property without an overarching government structure.

It is utopian nonsense in my opinion but it is a real political philosophy.

it is also not anarchism. communal tribalism would be closer.

That is anarchism.

no its not.


a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority.

absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual, regarded as a political ideal.

Yeah… that is a thing with Leftist Anarchism. They just don’t see property rights… which rely on a government for enforcement as a thing. They see the holding of land as antithetical to anarchism.

Once again… I think that it is utopian nonsense… but they do not advocate for despotic authoritarianism.

Antifa is just an idea…remember that one?

We have an antifa apologist as President right now.

require government enforcement? lol

property ain’t just land anyway. land is a form of property. aside from that, in a state of anarchy ownership is not the issue, control is. if you control it, you defend it. when control is taken from you, its no longer yours.

Flynn’s statement appears to show a degree of ignorance regarding the number of diverse religions that sit under the umbrella of Christianity or Islam or Hinduism or Wicca etc.

But your statement appears to show an equal ignorance regarding the role of religion in forming the political views of individual citizens.

So it just another name for the utopian end state of Marxism in the communist manifesto.

Yeah… property rights require government enforcement. Deeds and enforcement of those deeds and such,

And the version of anarchy you are talking about is the Mad Max version… that is not what Leftist Anarchy is about.

It is Utopian.

Yep… that is pretty much it.