One and only Kavenaugh Hearings Thread (part 1)

No, I’m not “ok” with it. I like the balls and the result.

Was it ever done before? Sure.

Yep. Like that.

Um when was that?

You’re comparing apples to adjustable rate mortgages.

Maryland doesn’t allow victims of sexual assault to be on a jury? That’s pretty backwards for a progressive Democrat run state.
If a perpetrator of sexual assault were allowed to be on the SCOTUS, then we wouldn’t be having these hearings would we?
Perhaps she meant to ask how come one activist cant be judge, jury and executioner based on mere allegations with no questions allowed or no disputes because it might hurt her feelings?


Because she got away.

No, criminal defense attorneys “excuse” them.

We don’t know what would have happened in that case. Perhaps Ford was hoping another person would come forward with a similar experience and she wouldn’t have to.

I think it should be investigated thoroughly before the confirmation vote. They have plenty of time to get this done. But, imo, they don’t want an investigation because of what they likely would find.

I’d think Kavanaugh, if innocent, would welcome a thorough investigation. But he hasn’t. One would think he would want to clear his name, yet the one who is asking for an investigation in Ford. Why would she want that if she wasn’t telling the truth or “misremembering?”

I appreciate the sentiment, Lulubee.

I did not report the first one (a stranger) to the police. I was a runaway and going to the police would have meant going home (I didn’t have a rough home life. I was just a spoiled child.). I did tell some friends and when it made its way to my father, I denied it. I denied it because, at that age, I thought that I was protecting him. I thought that he would hold himself responsible, would feel like he hadn’t protected me, would feel like he needed to do something and I didn’t want to lay that burden on him.

As the years progressed and my understanding of how our actions/inactions affect the world around us, I came to wonder if my assailant had attacked anyone else and if so, how much culpability do I hold due to my own decision not to report.

I don’t know his name. I don’t even know if I could pick him out of a lineup. As I’ve typed this, I have been trying to recall his face, but the face I see in my memory is not very specific and could easily be confused to be Richard Ramirez, although I know that it wasn’t him.

The second one was a loved one and a completely different ‘genre’ for lack of a better word.

I’m not really comfortable guessing what I might do. I already regret not reporting the first one due to the culpability that I mentioned above. I do not regret not reporting the second one.

If it was the first guy, I might try to get him to acknowledge it on tape or in writing, by contacting him and demanding an apology. If there was no statute of limitations in the place where it happened, then I would contact the police. Not the news and not my congressperson.

If it was the second, I would not bring it up.

The same way I would feel if people were accusing me of something that I didn’t do and calling my protestations of innocence to be lies.


Not going to be much to investigate.

Interview her get all the information she can remember.
Interview Kavenaugh since he is the accused.
Interview Judge since he is accused of being in the room.
Interview the person who thinks they are the “PJ” she described.

She says there was a 4th boy their and a second girl. So far she hasn’t named them that I’m aware of.

What happens after they interview the 4 above and they all stick to what they have said? Just randomly start interviewing people who went to BOTH schools (remember the boys were at a boys only school, she was at a girls only school)?

Maybe interview the theropist that she talked to in 2012. Husband? He didn’t know till the theropy session. She says she didn’t tell anyone. So there is no one left to interview.

They could get a selection of pictures from yearbooks at that time of 8 boys and have her pick her alleged attacker out of the line up. Don’t know how much good that would do.

Christine Ford noticed Sunday morning, even before her name was made public, that Ed Whelan appeared to be seeking information about her. He visited her LinkedIn page.

I wonder who told him her name?

Thanks for very much for answering my questions. I really appreciate it and realize it must be very difficult for you even to discuss this on a message board.

I think your explanation really explains to people who have never had anything remotely like what happened to you, how difficult and how conflicted a person might be in reporting what has happened to them. And why there are no easy answers or a right way or a wrong way and that how every woman who this has happened to will handle it differently.

I can image that is must still be quite difficult for you now and that your experiences likely effect you even to this day. Again, I thank you very much for answering my questions and sharing your experience. Hugs.

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It tells me she is being well paid.

Deadline has passed will she or won’t she testify under oat to the committe on Thursday?

The deadline is 2:30 PM

Doh, I was thinking it’s later than it is. Okay 2 hours hehe as you were.

If there wouldn’t be much to the investigation then why not let one go forward? Shouldn’t take very long is there is no there, right?

Are republicans losing the women’s vote over this?

Were I a Democrat, they would be losing my vote over the way they handled not only the nomination hearings but this event in particular.

Why should the FBI be involved in an investigation. They can’t file charges. 99% chance they will say the allegations can’t be substantiated. Why waste their time and taxpayer money?

But you are not a Democrat for a reason so of course you think that.

Democrats aren’t losing a single voter over this.

R’s, OTOH, are. They can’t help sounding like the misogynists they are no matter the issue. This is just one more thing on an already huge pile.