One and only Kavenaugh Hearings Thread (part 1)

The Republican Party nominated and elected a President who repeatedly made it clear he was a sexual deviant, if not an outright predator. But yeah, tell me how much you all care about the plight of victims.

And they tend to ignore things like this: MSN


I think he does, but I also totally understand her reservations about coming forward and having every aspect of her life absolutely shredded by a bunch of geriatric conservative men who could care less even if Kavanaugh did try to force himself on her. These are the type of people who coined the term “locker room talk” to excuse their nominee admitting to forcing himself on women because he believed his power entitled him to it.

What woman who has come out on such matters over the past few years, whether it was Clinton’s accusors, Anita Hill, or who ever has had their life ruined? And if so how? Regarding the death threats, have any of them been murdered?

I agree but if she won’t come forward you are left with two options.

  1. Ignore her letter since she won’t testify under oath and confirm Kavanaugh
  2. Assume she is telling the truth and not confirm Kavanuaugh and kick him out of his current judgeship as well because if he did was was alleged he shouldn’t be a judge at all.

How should things proceed in your mind? Those are the only options if she won’t come under oath.

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No, everybody does not get death threats


That is a deeply weird thing to say.

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Are we talking about Bill Clinton? The dem loved him!

Bill Clinton hasn’t run for office in more than two decades. I certainly never voted for him, nor would I today. And yet his wife, who was yet another victim of his behavior, was held more accountable for it by conservative America than Donald Trump ever was for his.

Why do you think that is?

Hillary Clinton went after all those poor woman like they were the reason Bill was a pervert. She did not once say I believe them. No she call them liars and worse. She was not a victim. She was just mad that Bill got caught. She could have cared less about the woman he assaulted. Just like the left could care less about this woman. She is just a means to and end. And she is willing to take one for the team to get what she wants and the left wants.

Hillary Clinton defended bill. She attacked Bill’s accusers.

He said it never happened.


Not anymore…the Hillary precedent has now been established.


I didn’t say they SHOULD investigate.

All I’m doing here is counteracting the falsehood that the FBI stated they wouldn’t investigate.


I agree with you completely. Additionally, I think she realizes if she lies under oath she could be prosecuted.


Does she even know what house?

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Proof of this activism?

If you’d been traumatized on one of those trips, you’d remember many more details.

Anyone making death threats should be found and thrown in jail. That kind of behavior is inexcusable.

However, she should be shaking in her boots about being questioned. If a person is going to come forward with that serious of an accusation, they’d better have a lot more going for them evedicene wise than she has. Right now, it sounds like a poorly thought out political hatchet job.

She can’t remebmer who was there. Has to be a pretty short list.