One and only Kavenaugh Hearings Thread (part 1)

And yet Kav has definitively said he was most certainly not at that party. Hmmm???

They care about convincing Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski to vote with them. Nothing more. And I sure as hell would not feel comfortable getting grilled by the type of people who defended Roy Moore and continue to support Donald Trump to this day despite his decades of cretinous behavior.

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I bet it’s fake news…in a sick attempt to drum up sympathy and tarnish Trump supporters.

It’s how lbs roll.

That is sad to think actual women out there are legitimately being hurt while liberals play games like this


No, that’s not what he said, what he said was he hadn’t been at any parties like that.

So how should the senate proceed then? Assume that the letter is fact and not give any opportunity for cross examination?

We’ve all spent the past several years watching firsthand how very little conservative America cares about the women being hurt by sexual predators who believe they have some kind of right to treat people however they want as long as it benefits them.

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It is.

When they weaponize rape false accusation or racism they’re undermining the very people they claim to care about.

But we all know they only care about one thing and one thing only. To force themselves onto society.

And they will do it by any means necessary.


Everybody gets death threats.

The Republican Senate spent the better part of a year looking for reasons not to even hold hearings for Merrick Garland, a man without a hint of personal scandal. Maybe they shouldn’t look for any reason to push through a proven perjurer who has been credibly accused of sexual misconduct that he and his team can’t seem to get their story straight on?

I don’t…

If someone tried to rape me, I’d think I’d remember the date, the exact location, and whose house it was at.

Well thankfully we have a bunch of conservative men around to tell women exactly how they should respond to sexual misconduct and the facts they should remember.

If empathy wasn’t a foreign concept to the right, some might realize that events like this can be extremely traumatizing and people actually try to forget them in order to move on with their lives and have meaningful relationships with people.

  1. Where is he proven to be a purjurer?
  2. How is the accusation credible that is 30+ years old when she won’t testify?

Again, your argument seems to be her story should just be acceptped and Kavanaugh’s career ruined with zero chance for him to face or cross examine his accuser.

I do think that is very possible but the problem for me comes in that if you have tried to forget something for 30 years and blocked it out if your recollection of what happned still accurate?

I do think something did happen to her but after 30+years and tryijng to suppress it is it possible she doesn’t still remember who it actually was?

Isn’t it the fact that “legally speaking” nothing happened. So even if the FBI got involved, what crime would they be investigating? In other words, if they were to conduct interviews and some random names come up those people may not want to get involved in what is actually more of a political situation than anything legal.

It’s pretty sad we have to try and separate liberal hack jobs trying to falsely accuse innocent defendants of foul play. The response from this country to legit victims could be better if liberals quit playing their hit jobs.


Many things are possible. I tend to err on the side of thinking a woman with a family and a career would not just randomly decide to destroy her life by subjecting herself to the scrutiny that comes with accusing a Supreme Court nominee of sexual misconduct.


Nobody cares unless they can benefit somehow.


and that is a fair assumption.

Do you not think kavanaugh deserves some chance to face his accuser or should her statement just be accepted as fact?