O'Keefe/Project Veritas Says He'll Expose The Deep State

I never pass up an opportunity to laugh about that. For a dude who has a video where he literally inserted reactio. shots of him dressed as Huggy Bear, th is fact there’s a significantly more embarrassing video is priceless.



It’s also priceless that the one mildly true thing he ever exposed got him a felony conviction.

Where funnily enough he had to expose how fraudulently he operates…and yet these guys STILL believe him.


How many of your conspiracy theories have panned out again?

Drip drip drip

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The next couple of months are going to be fun…

No, it’s a choice.

Yeah, we’ve been hearing that for a while now.

You have been saying that about one thing or another since the 1st Benghazi hearing and we’re still waiting…for something, anything

Beat me to the punch. But yeah, we’ve heard him sing this song before

I heard about that last night and followed them down some of their new rabbit holes. They are not handling their more free-speech friendly digs easily, looks like the accidentally started a revolution on Voat against them and they can’t figure out how to work 8chan.

They are fun as hell now, but you’re missing it.

and what would that be? Please be specific.

Which if O’Keefe and D’Souza fell in love with each other and made a finely edited video of them both in tasteful, loving embrace (candle-lit, no nudity, four poster bed, portrait of unicorn in a meadow on the wall)?

You never know what’s gonna be the final straw that sets a toxic subreddit off, the final thing that sent r/incel over the edge was Jim Sterling reading an incel Reddit comment in the persona of an eighteenth century British aristocrat.

Anything would be better than those awesome Lucian Wintrich photos which I now can’t find anywhere on the Web…

Where does O’Keefe get his money for food?

One source…